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  1. amythebooklady

    Question about broody hens sharing eggs

    I've searched the boards for an answer to my particular question but no luck so here goes: I have one broody hen sitting on a dozen eggs. They are due to hatch mid to end of next week (May 3-6 or so) She is in a separate coop and has been since I put her on the eggs Since then another hen...
  2. amythebooklady

    Free rooster in western New York

    I have a gorgeous rooster who needs a new home. He was born in late August and is really a looker! I will try and get a picture of him up tomorrow. I don't have enough hens to keep two, which is why one has to go. I am located about half way between Buffalo, NY and Erie, PA, right near the lake.
  3. amythebooklady

    some chicks have hatched, still 3 eggs left, hens not on nest

    I have had 2 broody hens, sitting on 8 eggs. 4 have hatched (Monday night into Tuesday), 3 are unhatched and 1 has completely disappeared! Last night I combined the 2 hens and the 3 eggs and 4 chicks into one nest because the hens were squished together into one of the hens nesting spot, which...
  4. amythebooklady

    2 broody hens

    Prior to going on vacation 2 weeks ago I had a 5+year old hen go broody. She has successfully raised a clutch before, but it's been a few years. I figured I'd deal with it when I got back. I am back and she is still broody and it appears that there is a younger chicken who has gone broody...
  5. amythebooklady

    Chicken is sick: sitting quietly, tail feathers drawn down, drops of fluid coming from beak

    I have a 2 year old amber link hen who I found yesterday sitting quietly in a corner of the pen. She didn't move when I approached her and I held her for a while. I noticed that her tail feathers were down instead of up like usual. She had drops of fluid coming from her beak. I isolated her...
  6. amythebooklady

    look at the clutch of eggs I found!

    Found these yesterday near the compost pile in the tall grass. I knew that the hens weren't all laying in the coop. We have found eggs in various parts of the yard. I did shut them all up in the coop for a couple of days to figure out when they actually lay, which is all day...
  7. amythebooklady

    What is she?

    When we ordered chickens this spring, we got 1 free "exotic" chicken with our order of 12. Here she is. Any idea?
  8. amythebooklady

    do hens practice singing the "egg song"?

    We have 10 hens, 21 weeks old. (Aracana's, Buff Orpingtons, Light Brahmas) and we got three green eggs two weeks ago. Nothing since then. I am hearing the "egg song" but am not finding any eggs. Is this normal? They all appear healthy and are shut in the coop at night and are in their large...
  9. amythebooklady

    First day of school and first eggs!

    This is my first attempt at posting a picture. First two eggs were found yesterday in a corner of the coop---they were perfect!
  10. amythebooklady

    chicken walking funny

    Hi all, I am pretty new to all of this. We have 14 chickens, about 12 weeks old. A light brahma hen was walking funny tonight. She looked like a duck. She seemed able to move around fine, but was not walking at her full height---keeping her knees bent and belly close to the ground. I did...
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