do hens practice singing the "egg song"?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 14, 2009
Sheridan, NY
We have 10 hens, 21 weeks old. (Aracana's, Buff Orpingtons, Light Brahmas) and we got three green eggs two weeks ago. Nothing since then. I am hearing the "egg song" but am not finding any eggs. Is this normal? They all appear healthy and are shut in the coop at night and are in their large pen during the day until we let them out in the late afternoon when we know we are going to be home for the rest of the day. I have only heard the song when they are penned up and have looked for eggs, but don't see anything.

Thanks for any thoughts on this!
Yeah, I've heard it before when there were no eggs yet. It's different from the I'm upset song, but not by much.
WAIT what's the "I'm upset song"?
I thought my BO, unk age but large, was just practicing her song or maybe liked to fake me out and liked to see me run for the coop to check...
how do you tell the difference?
The I'm upset song is usually started by one and the whole flock joins in; all singing in harmony.
The egg song is usually started by the hen and the rooster (and sometimes other hens) sing chorus. Does that make sense? (They respond to her, like talking back and forth).
I have a hen that likes to go deep deep into the woods and sing the egg song, just to get me out there.
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The I'm upset song is usually started by one and the whole flock joins in; all singing in harmony.
The egg song is usually started by the hen and the rooster (and sometimes other hens) sing chorus. Does that make sense? (They respond to her, like talking back and forth).
I have a hen that likes to go deep deep into the woods and sing the egg song, just to get me out there.

I don't think I have ever heard the "I'm upset" song, but it makes sense. Maybe it's a good thing that I haven't heard. That means that they are ALWAYS happy!
I'm pretty sure one of my Leghorns was singing the egg song FOR my Redstar when she laid her first egg.
Queenie (the red) was in the nest box just standing there, and out in the run one of the whites was singing like crazy, 5 minutes later I got a warm brown egg and I don't think Queenie ever made a peep.

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