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  • Users: Sjisty
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  1. Sjisty


    I'm sitting here, watching Monday Night Football, of all things. Hubby's gone to bed. My mind wanders to my children. My son, Richard, was lost due to a car accident 17 years ago. It feels like forever ago; it feels like yesterday. I lost half of my soul that day. It's been 17 years, yet...
  2. Sjisty

    Cuteness overload

    I bought eggs on eBay from a person who has silkie Seramas. He called them "tribbles." Here are Pixie, Dixie, and Trixie, although Pixie is srarting to look like Pix-he!
  3. Sjisty

    Jumbo egg with normal egg inside - video

    We found this egg in one of the laying boxes yesterday. That has to be one sore hen!
  4. Sjisty

    Polish invasion

    I decided to buy some Polish eggs to hatch this year. I sold most of the chicks, but these guys have wormed their way into my heart! Elvis - Phyllis Diller - Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum
  5. Sjisty

    The invasion of the Polish!

    I have way too many of these little beauties. If I were to sell some, how much should I ask for frizzle Polish? How about the ones that aren't frizzle?
  6. Sjisty

    Did I miss it? No April Fool's joke from Nifty Chicken?

    Okay, so I didn't fall for last year's foil hats for making a hen broody, but the year before got me - something about buying all our eggs. I was looking forward to this year's joke. Nifty, you're slipping!
  7. Sjisty

    Hen crowing like a rooster

    This is Oreo, a Light Brahma. She is about 9 years old and is one of our oldest hens. In the last couple of weeks she has decided she would rather be a "he" --
  8. Sjisty

    Thank you Dawg and Kathy!

    I've had chickens for about 8 years now, and have wormed them periodically with Eprinex to their necks. I have followed many thread about problems, worming, illnesses, etc., many times reading advice from Dawg and Kathy about worming and dosages of various medications. Well, I finally...
  9. Sjisty

    Anybody having issues with Purina Flock Raiser?

    We have been feeding our flock Purina Flock Raiser for years with no issues. For the last year or so we have fed it wet in a mush. Lately, though, it hasn't mixed with water as easily as it used to. It clumps up instead of a nice smooth mix, plus the chickens haven't been eating it. I would...
  10. Sjisty

    A big step, hopefully one I won't regret.

    Well, I just gave a 2-week notice to quit my job of 15 years! It feels good but very scary. Hubby and I have been making and selling bird toys for a while now on our website and at bird fairs and shows in the southeast states. This "hobby" has grown to the point that we have been struggling...
  11. Sjisty

    It's a mystery

    I have a bantam hen, Chrissie, who for 8 years has hatched and raised anything I put under her. For the last two weeks she had been sitting on unfertilized eggs from our Serama hen. Knowing that she will sit on them forever, I went to the incubator, where the only thing I had in there were...
  12. Sjisty

    I am saving a fortune, chickens are happy and healthy!

    I have 40-ish chickens, ranging from 6 months to 8 years of age. We have always fed flock raiser, nearly two bags a week, plus a little scratch in the afternoons. They free range, so get all the bugs and frogs they can catch. For the past month or so, I have been wetting down the flock...
  13. Sjisty

    Memorial Day

    For all the families out there who lost a loved one in service to our wonderful country, thank you and bless you! I love you, Richard. Although you didn't die fighting for your country, you still deserve to be remembered this and every day.
  14. Sjisty

    Resiliant chick!

    I am constantly amazed at the resilience of chickens! I have had chickens survive brutal attacks by roaming dogs or hawks with wounds that would give you nightmares. This one absolutely amazes me, though - Blackie, an almost 9-year-old Jersey Giant hen, is a professional mother. She is...
  15. Sjisty

    Too cute not to post!

    Buttercup's solo baby, or at least its feet, two days old. Now, look closer and see it's little beak sticking out of BC's feathers!!!
  16. Sjisty

    He wasn't just a chicken

    We lost a beloved pet last night. Years ago we fell in love with Brahmas and so I bought an incubator and some hatching eggs. Hatching on Christmas Day, 2006, we became the proud parents of several bouncing baby chicks! We ended up keeping one cockerel and two pullets. This little cockerel...
  17. Sjisty

    People stink!

    My mother and I lost my father just over two years ago. Now she has met another man, who lost his wife over a year ago. They are in love and have found happiness together. They are also both almost 85 years old. I am very happy to see my mother find someone else - that doesn't mean she...
  18. Sjisty

    It appears I have become a hen!

    Okay, I have read the threads on here that say don't try to tame a cockerel - you'll be sorry when he grows up! Well, here's the story of George of the Jungle. This is the guy in my avatar. He is not the smartest rooster in the flock, not even close. I remember the day when he was a...
  19. Sjisty

    My son, my hero

    Thirty-four years ago today ... You were my first child and my only son. I loved you through the good times and the bad times. I was so proud of your accomplishments and yet you tested me to my very core. You will always be a part of my soul. Your life was cut short way too soon. I will...
  20. Sjisty

    Silly chickens!

    Okay, so I will sit for 30 minutes and shred old bread into tiny pieces so the chickens won't have trouble swallowing it. I just watched our old bantam hen, Chrissie (about 8 years old), running around the yard with 3 other girls right on her tail. She had a frog in her mouth, legs sticking...
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