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  1. ourlittleflock

    Please Help!! What is getting my hens (Graphic Pic)

    thanks - the flock will stay up for a few days until I can get this figured out
  2. ourlittleflock

    Please Help!! What is getting my hens (Graphic Pic)

    please help!!! I have lost 2x LF cochin hens in the last week 1. incident found hen in woods on a path they travel everyday neck looked broken (nothing eaten) and she had a large gash on the side. the gash exposed her whole side. no one else was bothered 2. incident today (pic attached of...
  3. ourlittleflock

    AUCTION 6+ Extras if Available. BLACK WHITE MAGPIE CALL DUCK eggs

    Auction starts at $12.00 and increases with a minimum of $1 per bid. Auction runs from 3/31, 9:00 am to Monday, 4/3 8:00 pm EST, to ship on 4/4 To bid please reply to this listing. Up for grabs 6+ Extras if Available. Black White Magpie call duck eggs, they are not show quality they have more...
  4. ourlittleflock

    SQ Blue Mottled Pullet

    Wish we were closer - I would grab her in a heartbeat
  5. ourlittleflock

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    It was a nice day outside today so I went out with my camera... I have 5 bantam blrw (4 of which are cockerels) 2 of them have rough combs - they have started fighting so I now have 2 up for sale to end up with a reverse trio until the pullet decides to start laying.. poor girl I feel so sorry...
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