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  1. FiveFootmama

    Housing Red Golden Pheasants with Coturnix in smaller coop

    Hi, I'm very interested in getting one Red Gold Pheasant pair, mostly to enjoy having such a beautiful, colorful bird around. From what I've read, most people say housing pheasants and Coturnix quail together generally works out fine- same feed, same family, generally fairly docile. What I'm...
  2. FiveFootmama

    Can Ulcerative Enteritis in Coturnix Quail be passed on through eggs?

    Hi, I'm dealing with Ulcerative Enteritis in my quail aviary. I've lost about 4 birds in the last month, and just realized what the problem is after some serious research. The vet is ordering me some Duramycin to treat them with. Regardless of the illness, I've been planning to replace my...
  3. FiveFootmama

    Welsummer/Americana Mix Chicks

    Hi, yesterday I just experienced my first ever hatch, achieved with a homemade styrafoam cooler incubator and fertilized Welsummer/Americana eggs from my parents! To begin with- I'm thrilled! I incubated 3 eggs and last night 2 hatched. I'm still hoping on the 3rd... Anyway, I'm wondering...
  4. FiveFootmama

    Runt chick, slow grower, or bantam?

    Hi, this is my first post here! We've have 10 chicks of a few different breeds. Eight of them are 3 weeks old and the other two are 2 weeks old. One of the 2 week old Easter Eggers doesn't seem to be maturing much at all. It is slightly larger than when we got it, but it is not feathering...
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