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  1. farmmanjim

    My hens stopped laying, can anyone help?

    Chickens need 14 hours of daylight or they automatically slow down laying to give their body a rest such as in winter with short days. Chickens will quit laying when they are molting also. Feathers are protein so they can't grow new feathers and lay eggs also. Not to worry though. Chickens...
  2. farmmanjim

    How long for broody hen to lay eggs again

    My 1 year old Jersey Giant went broody so I left her alone. She hatched 1 chick from the 2 eggs she had. The chick is 4 days old and moma laid an egg today the size of a nickel.
  3. farmmanjim

    Egg production

    I dont know. I know stress changes things. I got 17 barred rocks that are just over 2 years old. Last year i averaged 13 eggs a day. This year i average 5. They free range only a couple hours every evening but the have a huge run. Plenty food and fresh water, plenty oyster shell, and a...
  4. farmmanjim

    Deworm, Cleaning Coop, Reinfest, and Egg Withdrawal... ALL OF IT! HELP!

    I mix laying mash, sunflower seeds, scratch and DE in my feed barrels and thats what they get besides running around the acres. DE controls most problems.
  5. farmmanjim

    How do I free range my chickens with a Fox in the woods??

    I use an electric fence too. Theyre really cheap actually. Min only free range a couple hours every evening when im there. Their run is plenty large for days they dont get out.
  6. farmmanjim

    Can this marriage be saved?

    Without a constant supply of water they can easily die and dehydrate. Chickens keep an average temperature of 105. Also birds will not lay regular without lots of clean water. Both my chicken house have lean toos for shade and protection from weather and this is where food and water stay, not...
  7. farmmanjim

    Vaccinate or Not

    Yes i do. I have bought babies and pullets unvaccinated and lose many of them in the first 2-3 years. There are many diseases and illnesses they can get. I have had chickens in my life for nearly 60 years. I buy them now from reputable hatcheries and vaccinated. I have one girl thats 7 years...
  8. farmmanjim

    Is a Barred Rock an excellent or good layer?

    I have 17 barred rocks now 18 months old. I find no illness siggns. They get good quality pellets. They always have scratch. They get fresh veggies and grass. Their houses are clean. Their pen is 2000 square feet and safe. They also get out on my 7 acres, several afternoons a week. My...
  9. farmmanjim

    Flock away from home question

    I have 7 acres and 20 girls with one rooster. They free range whenever I'm outside. They have large houses in an enclosed yard they return to dozens of times a day. They put themselves up before dark and I close the pen. They are welcome in my garden as they do very little damage but eat...
  10. farmmanjim

    Chicken math prevailed!

    Die in shipping
  11. farmmanjim

    Chicken math prevailed!

    I get all my girls at Cackle Hatchery. Guaranteed quality and breed, have vaccinations, good price. They always send a couple extra and I've never had one for in shipping.
  12. farmmanjim

    Do you need to cover chicken run?

    I have lost an occasional hen to Hawks but haven't figured how to cover my run efficiently. My run is 46 ft wide and 80 ft long. If I add tin or a roof I'd need hundreds of support structures. If I use wire I'd still need tons of supports and then it would stay thick with leaves and no way to...
  13. farmmanjim

    Trying to reduce chicken feed costs

    My feeders are in the hen house and hang a foot off the floor under the nest boxes. They eat very little actually because they forage all day.
  14. farmmanjim

    What gender is my chicken?

    That I don't know
  15. farmmanjim

    On Bedding and Cleaning

    When I clean the flakes out the house twice a year, I put then in the pen. Helps eliminate so much mud since the dig all the time. They love digging under them for hiding bugs and worms. I put the cleaning from the poop boards in a mulch pile during the summer and use them everywhere. They...
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