Egg production


7 Years
Aug 9, 2016
We have 15 hens all about 2.5 years old(will be years old 3 March 2021)
8 Buff Orpingtons
1 Barred Rock
1 Silverlaced Wyandotte
5 Black Australorps

We are getting about 6-7 eggs a day now.
We were getting about 10-12 eggs day back in April/May.
Is that normal for egg production to drop that much this early?
I dont know. I know stress changes things.
I got 17 barred rocks that are just over 2 years old. Last year i averaged 13 eggs a day. This year i average 5. They free range only a couple hours every evening but the have a huge run. Plenty food and fresh water, plenty oyster shell, and a mansion they live in. Other than it being a hot summer, im thinking im gonna have to eat them this fall.
How hot are you? Heat can sometimes slow things down. Or so I've heard. My girls havent stopped laying and it's been over 100 here. Maybe they're used to this TX heat though.
When the summer heat comes around, egg laying can slow after their first year.
I've had luck over the years by cutting daily treats in half, (Scratch Grains) and giving them a wet mash made with their regular feed.
A half cup dry feed for 4 chickens, add cold water, from fridge on hot days. I offer it early afternoons daily in a shady spot.

I serve till cooler weather and dry feed consumption increase. I always have dry feed available and check often for mold and smell. GC
We have 15 hens all about 2.5 years old(will be years old 3 March 2021)
8 Buff Orpingtons
1 Barred Rock
1 Silverlaced Wyandotte
5 Black Australorps

We are getting about 6-7 eggs a day now.
We were getting about 10-12 eggs day back in April/May.
Is that normal for egg production to drop that much this early?
Molting time draws nigh.
Day are shortening rapidly.
Mine have dropped way off the last week.
How hot are you? Heat can sometimes slow things down. Or so I've heard. My girls havent stopped laying and it's been over 100 here. Maybe they're used to this TX heat though.
We had a bad heat spell here in Michigan but it's cooled the past week. It was 78 today.
I dont know. I know stress changes things.
I got 17 barred rocks that are just over 2 years old. Last year i averaged 13 eggs a day. This year i average 5. They free range only a couple hours every evening but the have a huge run. Plenty food and fresh water, plenty oyster shell, and a mansion they live in. Other than it being a hot summer, im thinking im gonna have to eat them this fall.
I know what yeah mean my chickens will be 3 next spring. I think eating them this winter might be best.
My oldest hens (a trio) are now 4. One stopped laying at age 3, the other two still lay but at a reduced rate (with molt starting, only one is currently laying, about once every 2-3 days). So yes if egg production is a concern, your birds are now in their less productive years and you're unlikely to see the type of production you saw in years 1-2.

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