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  1. beckycrouch5115

    What breed is my Mohawk chick???

    I was told it was a gold laced Wyandotte. Just wasn’t sure on the Mohawk! Lol! This is my first one, do the Wyandottes usually have a Mohawk?
  2. beckycrouch5115

    Official BYC Poll: Which waterer is better: Nipples or cups?

    I live in Louisiana so you know how hot it gets here! My chickens do fine on the nipples. I've never had an issue with them dehydrating. I have it on pvc pipes and the pipe is attached outside the coop so even my children can fill it up without going into the coop. I personally love it, but I...
  3. beckycrouch5115

    Mid-May Hatch-A-Long 2018

    Thank you. I was pretty upset over the one that we lost but I know thats part of it. My little boy say it 2, which broke my heart but I guess it's good for him to have life lessons.
  4. beckycrouch5115

    Mid-May Hatch-A-Long 2018

    I peeked as much as she would let me. She's being a very protective momma right now. When I check on them this morning I heard chirping but they were all underneath her so I didn't disturb them.
  5. beckycrouch5115

    Our first broody

    congrats on your new babies!! Looks like she's being a good momma 2! Buff's are such pretty birds!
  6. beckycrouch5115

    Mid-May Hatch-A-Long 2018

    Woke up this morning to 3 pretty fluffy babies!! I did have one baby that didn't make it. The egg was squashed, I guess momma accidentally stepped on it.
  7. beckycrouch5115

    Clutch not hatching

    You could always go buy a few day old chicks from the local feed store and slip under her at night. That would probably be what I would do but thats just my opinion
  8. beckycrouch5115

    Hen taking care of her babies

    She may break broody when you get her. The stress of being moved will probably break her broodiness. But maybe she'll go broody again for you sometime later on. Good luck!
  9. beckycrouch5115

    Broody pekin

    Amen to that! She's nuts!! She's actually a small bird but she fluffs out those feathers and screeches at me!! She looks like something from a jurassic park movie! LOL
  10. beckycrouch5115

    Broody pekin

    Yes I candled at day 9 and 4 had to be tosses but the other 4 were doing good at that point!! I don't want to mess with her to much, im scared to break her broody. But the few minutes she'll actually get up I'll go over and look at them but she doesn't go very far from them and stalks me when...
  11. beckycrouch5115

    Mid-May Hatch-A-Long 2018

    I would like to join in!!! I'm hatching 4 eggs under my first broody hen. But I am on day 20 right now. I'm so excited!! This is my first experience hatching!! Good luck on your hatching!!!
  12. beckycrouch5115

    Broody pekin

    I know how you feel! It's all you can think about. I have a broody thats been sitting for 20 days today!!! So I'm constantly peeking in on her and trying not to mess with her but now that im so close I'm itching to see whats going on underneath her!!
  13. beckycrouch5115

    My young hen is crowing... is she a rooster?

    Yeah pretty sure your hen is a roo!
  14. beckycrouch5115

    Minimum chick quantities at TSC, RK or online

    My local coop lets us buy however many we want. No minimums
  15. beckycrouch5115

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    I am so glad I found this thread!!! I love the idea of letting these chickens hatch their own eggs. I have a broody leghorn sitting on 4 eggs right now. Today is day 18 so I of course am tickled pink to see how she does!! I have never had a broody hen before and sure didn't think I would have...
  16. beckycrouch5115


    Sounds broody to me!
  17. beckycrouch5115

    Need advice re:coop and broody hen (pix in post)

    I'd just make sure to put water and food where she can get to it easily and not have to fight the other hens for it. As long as they can see her but not touch her they should be fine. Once the chicks are hatched she'll do a pretty good job of protecting them. Just keep an eye on them. Good...
  18. beckycrouch5115

    So many mosquitoes!

    I feel your pain, I'm in LA and the mosquitoes can get quite bad here 2. Now we have also had a lot of issues with gnats here in the past month. A few of my friends even lost birds to the gnats. So I make sure to put DE out around the coop and nesting boxes and I also sprayed the coop and run...
  19. beckycrouch5115

    New member, new chicken mom

    Looks like red sex link to me
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