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  1. blueberrysilky

    Black Sumatras Owners!!

    Hello all, I have had the Sumatras for some time now, and I have been taking best of care I can of them. I recently took them to a show, (December 17th, 2016) and showed the pair I was given, not really expecting much. They were entered into the "All Other Standard Breed Class" and came out...
  2. blueberrysilky

    What breed??

    So I got my neighbor into chickens, she went out and just bough a couple of regular ole chickens, nothing special. She was wondering what breed he was, and I knew exactly who to turn to! He seems like he would be some kind of bantam, bacause he is very small.
  3. blueberrysilky

    Black Sumatra Gender??

    I sure hope this is a female, this little fella just turned 3 months old! Staying about 1/2 the size of a standard RSL (Male) who is just a hair younger than him. I have always turned to y'all for advice so I'll let you take it from here! Thank you sooo much guys!!!
  4. blueberrysilky

    Need opinions on what feed to give to showbirds

    The feed I was originally looking I ton buying was Blueseal Show bird and Breeder pellets. I just couldn't find anywhere that carried it nearby, it was a 18% Protien and 3.5% fat feed. The only feed I can find is 16% protien or 21% protein. Also I had read that giving chickens meat (i.e. Beef...
  5. blueberrysilky

    Need opinions on what feed to give to showbirds

    I have a pair of Black Sumatra game chickens, they are show quality. I am going to enter them in for a show this fall, and was wondering what kind of showbird feed to use to make their feathers luster and give them more nutrition. I also plan to start breeding these birds and selling the chicks...
  6. blueberrysilky

    The Bantam Thread!

    Can't forget the Sumatras or as I like to call them the Summy-Tras chickens!
  7. blueberrysilky

    Hen won't stop sitting...

    How do I break her, I have already been keeping her out of the coop during some days.
  8. blueberrysilky

    Hen won't stop sitting...

    My Black Sumatra hen, named Midnight won't stop sitting on eggs that aren't there. She hatched out only one chick and I didn't have time to set up a brood for just one mama and chick. So I took the chick and slid it under anouther hens watch. (This hen went broody the same day as Midnight) It's...
  9. blueberrysilky

    Two Broody hens

    All the eggs that both hens are sitting on are from my one Sumatra hen. And all of them have hatched outing me at having 5 Sumatra chicks across two hens. 4 for Big Mama, the Buff Orpington and 1 for Midnight the Sumatra. So it will be ok if I move Midnights 1 chick with Big Mama as long as she...
  10. blueberrysilky

    Two Broody hens

    I have two hens that have started hatching their eggs, the first he to hatch her eggs was my Buff Orpington hen named Big Mama, the other is a Black Sumatra hen named Midnight. Poor ole Midnight only got one egg of her own because i put all four of the Sumatra eggs I had, under Big Mama. My...
  11. blueberrysilky

    What breed and gender are these?

    This is a side picture of the mystery bird, I put him in with my flock and the rooster of the flock treats it like a hen. Still not sure, it weighs about 7 lbs. Sorry I haven't posted sooner, BYC would let me post a picture for some reason.
  12. blueberrysilky

    Raising Show Turkeys

    I'm a member in FFA, this Friday we are getting our turkey chicks, for the first 2 weeks we are going to keep them at home, then after that they are going to stay at the poultry facility at the school. My question is, what do I need to do to ensure that my birds will be show quality? Also if...
  13. blueberrysilky


    As of now, the boil being about the size of a small bouncy ball, what would y'all recommend doing? Iodine or Surgery?
  14. blueberrysilky


    Where can you buy iodine, and what percentage, just topical (10%) or pure iodine? If that's a thing.
  15. blueberrysilky


    I have cringed at the thought of surgery, is it necessary?? My main worry is that they will bleed out, plus I don't have a scapold. What can be used as a substitute?
  16. blueberrysilky


    I've been using a triple antibiotic after soaking the foot in Epsom salt for a few days. I'm a high school student so I don't have a lot of time to work on her foot. I take my last exam tommorow, and get out early, so I'll be able to soak her foot more. It is fairly progressed is that all I...
  17. blueberrysilky


    Where can I get the HEC ointment??
  18. blueberrysilky


    I have a hen woth bumblefoot, her boil has became very large. This is an older pic, but the boil has became very large and a little translucent. I am wondering if I should pop it, I have a antibiotic called Tricide Neo on the way. I have read from other forums that this works by soaking thier...
  19. blueberrysilky


    I just got back from vacation and I had a person unfamiliar with chickens taking care of them. I have a hen with a midway progressed case of bumblefoot, I won't be here this weekend so I won't be able to take care of it, I need to know what needs to be done, today or tommorow, ASAP. I have...
  20. blueberrysilky

    Chick all alone

    I found him a friend, my uncle knew a person who had some chicks. Thanks for your help, the Sumatra is doing great!!
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