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  1. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Rouen Duck Genders???

    So they're both Rouens? Maybe the small one is just a runt. Thanks for the info!!
  2. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Rouen Duck Genders???

    Quote: That's why she's smaller! They came from the same place and both were identified as "Rouen". Aren't Rouens mixed with Mallards? Is that why she looks like the Rouen?
  3. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Rouen Duck Genders???

    They are both about a year old. They love to quack really obnoxiously and loudly. So they're probably girls, since none have the curled feathers, right? Thanks for the input!!
  4. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Using a Broody to Raise Chicks She Did Not Hatch

    First of all, welcome to BYC!!!! Glad you joined. :) It depends on how the hen is to newcomers. If she's low in the pecking order, I don't think she'll be to choosey on anything and she'll probably take your new chicks in. Just watch your oncoming chick, since the older chicks will probably...
  5. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Rouen Duck Genders???

    Hi! I have two Rouen ducks and one Peking. The white one is a girl, but the Rouens I don't know. We get two eggs a day (a white one from Al the Peking duck and a greenish-white one from one of the others, Archie or Esther). My brother thinks they're both girls, and that Esther, the smaller...
  6. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Leghorns vs. Your Favorite White Egg Laying Breed?

    I have Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Australorps, Rhode Island mixes, and Turkens mixed with my Leghorns. They seem do to fine together. :) All the different varieties do make the flock colorful. Especially the egg basket! Do whatever seems to fill your liking. :)
  7. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Leghorns vs. Your Favorite White Egg Laying Breed?

    Hi! I am a Leghorn owner. For the most part, everything about "flighty" is true. You can help with that if you wanted, though. When I first got mine, they would fly across the room and cackle. But the more time I spent with them, they got used to me and my family. Now they'll hang around my...
  8. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Comment by 'Aw-Ee Chicken' in article 'Meet Lazarus The Comeback Chick'

    Aw, that is an inspirational story. It must've been relieving to hear that peep! Congrats; you have a true fighter! I love the name Lazarus. :)
  9. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Comment by 'Aw-Ee Chicken' in article 'Baby Quail'

    They are so beautiful! Congratulations!!! Hatching chicks is a great way to start off spring!! :)
  10. Aw-Ee Chicken

    The Honor Of Having A Flock

    Taking care of a flock is a job that is repetitious and takes interest. Those of us that do sometimes just grumble through the chores and move on throughout the day. Later you gather the eggs and lock the fowl up for the night. That's it. Honestly, I do that. What makes it harder is when the...
  11. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Rooster Questions!!!

    Thanks for replying! So just take any eggs from the nest; doesn't matter which ones? But that sounds like a plan. I'll do that. Thanks a lot and appreciated!
  12. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Need Cluck Info.

    Hi, I also have questions about finding clucks: truthfully, what really is a cluck? Is it a hen that frequently visits the nests everyday but still doesn't sit in the m 24/7? Does a cluck make odd quiet little noises while she's sitting but still can be obnoxiously loud when she's outside? What...
  13. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Rooster Questions!!!

    Hi, I want to start hatching my own chicks soon but I'm stuck on the rooster's part. When he mates with a hen, is the egg (whether it has a shell or not) immediately fertilized? Or do I have to wait until the egg that's done 'growing' and ready-to-lay comes out, and then then next will be...
  14. Aw-Ee Chicken


    Yes, I'll definitely raise the protein levels. And get a few more feeders. :) The yard is 20-by-16 ft. for 30 birds. Thanks!!!! :)
  15. Aw-Ee Chicken

    Turken; hen or roo?

  16. Aw-Ee Chicken


    One feather-picked area is on the rear. When my hens eat, a few certain chickens go under them and jump to get a good bite of the plumage. In order to eat, a hen has to jump up a foot and half onto a board. Another area is the chest. When a couple of my hens sit by each other, one will study the...
  17. Aw-Ee Chicken

    PINE TAR Appliance

    I probably won't do it. My hens only get irritated. But thank you!
  18. Aw-Ee Chicken

    PINE TAR Appliance

    A couple of my hens pick on the others. I've received advice from several people that Pine Tar would give the attackers a bitter taste if they pecked the slathered hen. But my question is this: How do you apply the Pine Tar? Do you just smear it all over the hen, or something? I tried one hen...
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