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  1. jordanraugustin

    Broody hen won't get back on nest.

    My hen had been broody for 4 days sitting in her regular nesting box on two infertile eggs. She came out for water in this 95 degree weather once a day and a dust bath and ran back in to get back to her nest. I got some fertile eggs, set up a brooding area for her to be separated, moved her...
  2. jordanraugustin

    Not turned, will they be okay?

    I picked up eggs to incubate. my small incubator usually fits 9, but these are large eggs. I fit 8 in there but noticed by the second day that the automatic turner wasn't working. I figured out that the eggs were too tight in there for it to turn. I remedied be problem and they're turning now...
  3. jordanraugustin

    Help with breed of bantams.

    Are these EEs? I got them from assorted bantam bin. They're 7 weeks old now.
  4. jordanraugustin

    Did I get duped on BRs?

    I bought three BR chicks from TSC in March. They're beautiful and healthy but looking to be all Roos. So local organic foods store had chicks for sale and advertised 3 BR pullets. I bought them but got home and checked them out and now I'm worried and confused. They're almost fully feathered...
  5. jordanraugustin

    Balding baby chick

    I have a question about my chick. I hatched 7 chicks a little over three weeks ago. One chick was noticeably weaker and kept laying splayed out on her back and the others were pecking her. I separated her and I gave her sugar and vitamin water in a syringe for the first 24 hours and she...
  6. jordanraugustin

    Any insight on these newly inherited hens?

    Any insight on breed? Thanks in advance.
  7. jordanraugustin

    Help with early sexing of barred rocks?

    I've seen that sexing Barred Rocks can be fairly simple for some of y'all so I figured I'd ask for help with mine. Thanks in advance. Bambolina Chickaletta Hoza
  8. jordanraugustin

    Hen not laying

    A little background on Alberta, she was locked in a coffin style box in a dark shed from I week old to around 24 weeks old. We found out about her and asked if we could rescue her. The first night before our fence was as predator proof as it is now (we're new to chickens) a dog got in through...
  9. jordanraugustin

    Any information or guesses on my chicks?

    Martha, she's getting some brown/red feathers. Blossom Dandelion This group all looks the same besides some have orange/yellow heads and some have white.
  10. jordanraugustin

    Anyone know about this hen?

    Recently lost a hen and had a solitary hen left. So my husband and I got this girl from her not ideal situation. She's not socialized well enough to get a great picture, but does anyone have any ideas on breed?
  11. jordanraugustin

    Solitary chicken. What to do?

    My husband and I just dove into the chicken world. We heard of two chickens in terrible station and took them on. Our lack of experience led to one already being killed by a dog. Our one that's left is now traumatized and alone. She's doing well physically, but I keep reading how important it is...
  12. jordanraugustin

    Rescued from dark box but what did I rescue?

    He/she came from a rescue situation. Never seen the light of day and very mistreated. Can anyone tell me breed and gender. I'm new to this and only have a few chicks and some eggs incubating but heard about this one and couldn't leave it in the situation it is was in.
  13. jordanraugustin

    Only lasted one night.

    My husband and I are new to this. Dogs tore through fence and tore into coop and killed one of our rescued hens that we just got yesterday. The other is seemingly physically unharmed, but traumatized. She was lying in the yard, not moving. I assumed she was dead also, but when I went to examine...
  14. jordanraugustin

    Newly acquired eggs, chicks and hens.

    I'm a new chicken owner. I started incubating eggs because my friend's neighbor gave me nine eggs for free and let me borrow her incubator. I thought it would be a great experience for myself and my three year old daughter. My husband suddenly got chick fever and went to a farm supply store and...
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