Newly acquired eggs, chicks and hens.


In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2016
I'm a new chicken owner. I started incubating eggs because my friend's neighbor gave me nine eggs for free and let me borrow her incubator. I thought it would be a great experience for myself and my three year old daughter. My husband suddenly got chick fever and went to a farm supply store and purchased three assorted breed pullets and three unsexed bantam chicks. The same day he purchased chicks, we heard of two hens that were living in deplorable conditions. My animal loving heart couldn't take it so we purchased a small coop and the essentials and rescued the two hens. From what I can tell from my internet searching, the hens are Black Star hens.
So now we have two black star hens, three mystery breed pullets (less than one week old), three unsexed (hoping for hens) bantams and nine eggs (mixed breeds) incubating. I'll be having lots of questions and look forward to learning!

And that's how it all starts, lol. Chickens are like potato chips, you can't stop once you start.

Be sure to check out the Learning Center (if you haven't already)...there are some really helpful articles there, including some on incubating eggs.

Have fun and make yourself at home here!

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