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  1. HansenMamaOf2

    Is this possible, or just high hopes?

    We had 4 amazing backyard chickens for 1.5 years. We fell completely in love with them, but they were against association rules and someone complained. Thankfully a close friend has 5 acres and was able to take them in. They are now even more spoiled than they were here, but we really miss...
  2. HansenMamaOf2

    Easter Egger gender?

    [/IMG][/IMG] I've assumed these Easter-Eggers were pellets, but now I'm starting to second guess. They are about 6 months old.
  3. HansenMamaOf2


    I bought my first 2 pullets almost 6 weeks ago and the feed store got it all wrong. I asked for a Buff Orpington and a Cuckoo Maran. The Maran turned out to be a rooster and it's been obvious that I did not end up with an orpington. My next guess is a Cochin. Thoughts?
  4. HansenMamaOf2

    Oh no! I hope it's not a Roo

    5.5 weeks ago we got our first chickens. We only got 2 sexed pullets and the longer time goes on the more I think the Cuckoo Maran is a rooster. His/her comb and waddles came weeks ago and just continue to geat more red and grow. Any chance that it could still be a pullet? We aren't allowed to...
  5. HansenMamaOf2

    Male or female Cuckoo Maran?

    I know Cuckoo Maran have red combs and waddles, but everytime I look up a 5 week old one I don't see it yet. Ours has had one for a while now though. Does this look like it might really be a rooster after all?
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