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  1. Robert01

    Help with chicken!

    Thank you the second hatched late last night! Can't wait for more!
  2. Robert01

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    In my bator one chick hatched and another is cracking. The hatched one is not fully fluffed but is running into all the other eggs and won't sit still, should I take her out now? Should I wait till the other chick comes out so she can have a friend? Does it matter how many times she runs into...
  3. Robert01

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Ok thank you I guess I'll have to wait a couple weeks to see for sure but I think I'll have to send pictures to get other opinions Bc I don't think I will be able to tell the difference
  4. Robert01

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Bc I ordered 3 EE, and the eggs were very blue, but I read somewhere only ameraucanas produce blue eggs so I wasn't sure?!
  5. Robert01

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Can both breeds produce blue eggs?
  6. Robert01

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    What color eggs would they each be?
  7. Robert01

    ?'s about easter eggers or ameraucanas or araucanas, help

    I have a question, my eggs I ordered are hatching today and tomorrow. I ordered 3 Easter eggers and the eggs are very blue I didn't realize but after reading this I'm thinking they could be ameraucanas?? Could they, or is it to early to tell? Only one hatched so far. The other eggs I ordered...
  8. Robert01

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    How do you tell between ameraucanas and Easter eggers?
  9. Robert01

    Help with chicken!

    Thank you all!!!!!
  10. Robert01

    Help with chicken!

    And when the chick is fluffy enough to take out what if the other chick is not hatched and just cracking is that okay if I take her out? And should I take her egg out to or not even bother
  11. Robert01

    Help with chicken!

    Thank you guys so much for telling me to not help the chick Bc I just came back inside and she hatched, but how long should o leave her in there???
  12. Robert01

    Help with chicken!

    I will keep you guys posted
  13. Robert01

    Help with chicken!

    Thank you!!!
  14. Robert01

    Help with chick!

    Thank you. It has been externally pipped since sometime yesterday morning, but I do no it was before 10 am yesterday
  15. Robert01

    Help with chick!

    How do I post to a thread
  16. Robert01

    Help with chick!

    Hi, it's day 20 for my chicks in the incubator and two have started cracking. One of them cracked sometime yesterday morning a little bit and has not had much improvement since then. Is this normal? Should I help it? If so how? I've only done ducks in the past and this never happened before ...
  17. Robert01

    Help with chicken!

    My chicks are not hatched yet and in an incubator. Only two have started to crack and it is day 20. One of them started sometime yesterday morning and is still at it now with not much improvement. I was wondering if this is normal or if I should help it, if so how? Thank you, I've only done...
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