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  1. Gina Maria

    My leukemia's back.

    I am new to this site, but just read your story. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that God brings you and your family peace and comfort as He holds your hand through this journey. God bless.
  2. Gina Maria

    My rooster was attacked by a dog, what do I do?

    Thank you so much for the information! My poor rooster didn't make it through the night. But I will pick some of this up to keep on hand, especially since it can be used on a variety of animals.
  3. Gina Maria

    My rooster was attacked by a dog, what do I do?

    He didn't make it. He passed that night......I was heartbroken, he was the most beautiful rooster I had ever seen and so sweet! After I had posted on here, I went back to tend to him. Put raw honey on his wounds (I found some in my cabinet that I had bought when I first got my chickens!) and he...
  4. Gina Maria

    Help! My chicken was attacked and injured!

    Yes! I have some plain yogurt! Thank you for the help! I will keep trying to get water in him too. I am praying he pulls through this!
  5. Gina Maria

    My rooster was attacked by a dog, what do I do?

    Thank you SO very much! Can I get raw honey at the store? Maybe I could check the local farmers market? I have been trying to get him to eat, or at least drink, and he won't. I have a small dropper I tried to use to put some water in his mouth, but he won't open his beak. He won't even open his...
  6. Gina Maria

    My rooster was attacked by a dog, what do I do?

    This happened about three hours ago. I'm not sure what happened because my dog is not typically aggressive or even interested in our chickens. I found our rooster, who is 6 months old, in the woods in our fenced in back yard. (he must have gotten out of his pen as they are never out free ranging...
  7. Gina Maria

    Help! My chicken was attacked and injured!

    Hello! My Rooster was just attacked by our Rott, I found him lying in the woods, missing tons of feathers and bloody. He has a couple of puncture wounds and skin missing. I carried him to the house, tried washing his wounds with water the best I could, put neosporin on him and wrapped him with a...
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