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  1. lookatmyhen

    Hen has hard white lumps on comb, for several months and now a new one has grown

    I've just ordered some iodine q-tips and updated my profile to include country information. Thanks :-)
  2. lookatmyhen

    Hen has hard white lumps on comb, for several months and now a new one has grown

    I replied to Eggcessive with photos of her eyes so you can see what they're like. We got her from a breeder at about a year old, her pupils were like that when we got her (the breeder said she'd not had Mareks but it sure looks like it to us!); she's never displayed other signs like doing the...
  3. lookatmyhen

    Hen has hard white lumps on comb, for several months and now a new one has grown

    Sure, you can see one side is orange and more normal, the other side is milkier and not a circular pupil. (The orange eye is her LEFT eye - it's just that was taken on the selfie lens so m phone flipped it so both photos look like they're of her right eye)
  4. lookatmyhen

    Hen has hard white lumps on comb, for several months and now a new one has grown

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! My gorgeous faverolles hen has had several hard white lumps on one of her comb points for quite a long time now. They've gotten slightly larger since they appeared last year (she's 4) but not changed much. In the last few weeks, another has started forming at the...
  5. lookatmyhen

    Cream colored lumps in beak, vet can't diagnose

    We're in England so Wet Pox seems unlikely as it's usually spread by mosquito as far as I can see - but no, we'd not considered it. Looking online, I've seen far too many upsetting images while trying to find out if there' a link and - well, I have to say that I have found one image which looks...
  6. lookatmyhen

    *Update* Chickens Might Have Wet Fowl Pox

    I know you wrote this in 2012, but I just want you to know that this makes you my hero :)
  7. lookatmyhen

    Cream colored lumps in beak, vet can't diagnose

    Hi, We took her to the vet to ask for denagard or oxi today (we were meant to go last week but the car broke down). He said that they're both antibiotics and denagard in particular is powerful, but canker isn't treated with antibiotics so it wouldn't help if that's what she's got (antibiotics...
  8. lookatmyhen

    Cream colored lumps in beak, vet can't diagnose

    Hi Sue, What are we looking for with the microscope? I thought trichomoniasis wasn't found in faeces at all (I'm checking, not contradicting): the vets always use swabs from inside the beak or tissue just under the site of the yellow material to look as under a microscope. Also, what power...
  9. lookatmyhen

    Cream colored lumps in beak, vet can't diagnose

    Oxytetracycline hydrochloride - great, I'll ask about that too. Thank you again, we really appreciate it! Retford's not too far, I'll give them a call now.
  10. lookatmyhen

    Cream colored lumps in beak, vet can't diagnose

    Yes, that's the vet we use! They're brilliant, but the vet who's an expert in chickens is off on maternity leave and has been for a few months. They have another vet who's quite knowledgable, but not in the same league as the one that's off with her new baby. I'll give him a call and suggest...
  11. lookatmyhen

    Cream colored lumps in beak, vet can't diagnose

    No, I'm in Derbyshire and there are no poultry vets anywhere near here that I know of.
  12. lookatmyhen

    Cream colored lumps in beak, vet can't diagnose

    Thanks for your reply :) I've not heard of either of those (we're in England, but your name looks like you might be too). Do you know where to get them from & how to treat her with them? I searched for Oxi 50 and didn't find anything, and there are a few places selling different types of...
  13. lookatmyhen

    Cream colored lumps in beak, vet can't diagnose

    We have a gorgeous Faverolles hen, and a month ago I noticed a whitish lump inside her lower beak on the left, and she was occasionally shaking her head. We gave her Harkers 3 in 1 tablets, and for a few days she stopped shaking her head but within a week she'd started again. We took her to...
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