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  1. Chickrockette

    Removing chicks from bator halfway through hatch

    Hi everyone! I'd really appreciate a little bit of input on this! I'm hatching ten bantams at an assisted living facility where I volunteer. Our first two (the residents named them Faith and Hope!) hatched yesterday and it sounds like three more today from the reports that I'm getting. I'm...
  2. Chickrockette

    Waiting for the last three

    So yeah! Thank you so much to all of those who have given me advice - its definitely and part thanks to you that eight of our 11 eggs are now the adorable chicks you can kind of see this picture. They all cannot between yesterday and today. There's three still in there and I plan to give him a...
  3. Chickrockette

    Waiting for the last three

    So yeah! Thank you so much to all of those who have given me advice - its definitely and part thanks to you that eight of our 11 eggs are now the adorable chicks you can kind of see this picture. They all cannot between yesterday and today. There's three still in there and I plan to give him a...
  4. Chickrockette

    So, yeah. Should have probably thought of this earlier.

    So, it;s the night of Day 20. Chirping started around noon today and has been getting more frequent and more plentiful. (I love that they respond to my voice!) I've been keeping the bator in the kitchen for easy observation, but before they hatch I need to move it to the basement where it is...
  5. Chickrockette

    Crap! High humidity

    Hi again everyone. So, eggies are day 10 now. The ones I can candle look great (4 olives I can't see sqat through, but 7 others that look fine). When i checked humidity a few days ago, it was at 65. I then lost humidity gauge (don't ask) and when I procured another today, it says humidity is at...
  6. Chickrockette

    Cracked eggs, again!

    hi there! First time incubating eggs of any sort! I searched high and low in the wonderful cracked eggs thread but couldn't find an answer to this question: anyone have success sealing up a crack that had liquid emanating from it? I realise that means the membrane was pierced so wondered if it...
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