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  1. Shap3712

    Mallard beak colors

    About of month old and a few of them have started to develope the quack...I have 6 so it's hard to say. When do males normally get their green head?
  2. Shap3712

    Mallard beak colors

    I believe I have two mallards both have the same feathers...they look like females? Can anyone assist?
  3. Shap3712

    Training Ducks

    They stay in the garage most of time.. But I try to play with them in the yard or in our bath tub once a day. I guess that's not enough interaction.....should I get some sort of treats to feed them? I know the sooner I get on this this better!
  4. Shap3712

    Training Ducks

    So at what point will my team of ducks be trainable and/ or not run in fear when I enter the garage? They are about 3.5 weeks old.
  5. Shap3712

    Newbie Questions!

    Hello, all! I'm new to the boards...My wife and I are parents to 6 3 week old ducklings we purchased from TSC. They currently reside in our garage. I'm finding it near impossible to clean their bedding (newspaper & wood shavings) off the concrete. My first question is can I just put the...
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