Training Ducks


Apr 19, 2017
Princeton, Texas
So at what point will my team of ducks be trainable and/ or not run in fear when I enter the garage? They are about 3.5 weeks old.

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How have you interacted with them up to now? Many ducklings go into a phase of extreme fearfulness at around 3 weeks. It takes some work and some time, but they can come out of it.

It really matters how you relate with them.
They stay in the garage most of time.. But I try to play with them in the yard or in our bath tub once a day. I guess that's not enough interaction.....should I get some sort of treats to feed them? I know the sooner I get on this this better!
Treats/food and repetition are always good ways to train animals. Do your best to be as non-threatening as you can. Get down on the garage floor at their level and you are a little less scary. If you can get them to eat food out of your hand and let them walk over your still hand they will learn the hand brings food and is not going to hurt them. Once they start coming to your hand, gently stroke them with a thumb once. And increase with time and decrease the treat with time as well. Just take it slow and there will be days where it may seem like one step forward and two steps back. Don't give up.

Best of luck,

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