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  1. nomadfromcincy

    Isbar (Silverudds Blue) 7-week old Chicks

    I believe these are Isbar chicks -- they were straight run from Alchemist farm and she said some of them are Isbars. I guess it is possible they are Sage Eggers. If anyone is familiar with that breed around 7 weeks, please correct me! These are a nice breed - generally have been more...
  2. nomadfromcincy

    Moss Eggers - sexing at 7 weeks

    Second post... this one for the 4 Moss Eggers. Straight run chicks from Alchemist Farm. Apparently they also come in blue or black, but ours are white with some black patches. They are labeled 7-10. Apologies for the ones with the red heat lamp lighting. #9 looks like a cockerel and I am...
  3. nomadfromcincy

    Sexing 7 week old chicks - Black Copper Marans?

    We have 12 chicks that we sourced straight run from Alchemist Farm. I am going to post them separately so that any experts in each breed can provide guidance. I am pretty sure these are 5 black copper marans. And also looks like we have some roosters. Multiple photos of each and they are...
  4. nomadfromcincy

    One of my hens died last night -- cocci (?) help need please

    This morning I found one of my hens dead in the bottom of our coop. I live in Seattle they are about 9-10 months old. I have one americauna, two black austrolorps, and one leghorn (RIP). Here are the only signs that I observed: - About a week ago, all four hens stopped laying (they still...
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