One of my hens died last night -- cocci (?) help need please


13 Years
Jan 31, 2010
This morning I found one of my hens dead in the bottom of our coop.

I live in Seattle they are about 9-10 months old. I have one americauna, two black austrolorps, and one leghorn (RIP).

Here are the only signs that I observed:
- About a week ago, all four hens stopped laying (they still aren't laying)
- There are a couple of nests that seem to have been created under the coop
- This hen (Leghorn named Scooby Doo) was sitting on the nest where they all lay eggs last night for a while. She was the last to start laying and she wasn't a very good layer.
- All of them are sitting around more than usual

Any advice? Should I be worried about the others? Any help with diagnosis?
- based on seeing some blood in the poop, I wonder about Coccidiosis - does it spread quickly? Any treatment advice?

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Im not too sure. Look for sneezing.
Actually on second thought maybe mites orlice. Look at the base of there feathers and all over the bird for signs of them. Also look for mold around your coop.
Lastly check out there poop for blood.
Good luckk! Post back
nomadfromcincy. Welcome to BYC. I'm in Renton

Check out the Washingtonians thread in the Where are you forums. Introduce yourself there also.

About your chickens. Sometimes they just die.

This time of year they can just stop laying, not enough light.

They sometimes will lay where ever they want. Might search for a hidden nest, especially if they free range.

Be sure to post if you see more symptoms. Watch their poop for blood. Difficulty in breathing. Anything out of the ordinary.

I'll attach a couple links with some info about disease, but I wouldn't worry to much yet. Good luck

Thanks for the quick response. I'll introduce myself in the other forum.

I do see some blood in the poop. Based on those charts, sounds like Coccidiosis. Any treatments?

I think they have been getting enough light, though the timer doesn't work so the hours have been less regular.

Here's some info about cocci. I'm mostly clueless about treatments, never having had to deal with it. I've attached another link with info. Good luck

You may want to edit this thread. Change the title to something like cocci help need please and update your first post with any pertinent information.
They sound a little old to have cocci. Do they have diarrhea? Are their feathers dirty and fluffed up? Like chicago says, check them carefully for mites or lice, check the vents for any unusual discharge or swelling. Any possibility they got into something they should not have?

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