5 weeks old, blood in poo


10 Years
Oct 27, 2009
Carlsbad, CA
Hi, I have a question about some young chickens that my friend is raising. they started having blood in their poo and looking sick when they were a few weeks old. She tried giving them raw garlic for a while and then gave them sulmet in their water. The chicks got better but just recently stated having bloody poo again and the smallest one is looking weak. So, we're pretty sure that its from Coccidosis. She asked about medicated feed but it doesn't make sense to use antibiotics to battle a parasite... Anyway, she just isn't sure what to do to help them, and she'd like to follow "organic" methods if possible.
Can anyone help?
The medicated feed is a preventative. If they already have Cocci, then treatment is the only course.

Sulmet works well, but be sure to use it for as directed on the label. 2 days at full strength mixture and the 4 at half strength. If stopped early, the Cocci can come back. DO NOT go past the 6 days or over the recommended mixture. This stuff is strong and can start doing damage after that. The symptoms of an Overdose will actually look the same as the Cocci infection. A second treatment can be started 10 days after the first was stopped.

I don't like using meds, but will if I see no other plausible treatment.

If you can get it try using Corid instead of Sulmet. I think (not 100% on this) that Corid works better on more varietys than Sulmet does. I've used Corid with great results.

ETA: Organic can be great for a preventitive, but it doesn't always work. Like the other poster said, once it get a hold on the chicks full on treatment is really the only option. Cocci can kill chicks pretty quickly so I wouldn't waste time on garlic and such at this point.
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Thanks for the info. I'll send this to her and we'll have a chat. I'm wondering if the chicks weren't treated at for a full course the first time. I don't know if it has been 10 days or not yet. If it has only been like 6 days since stopping treatment the first time should she wait before re-treating?
Sure, but you want to make sure they their only water source is the medicated. I had a small group of brooder babies that got cocci this year. One was really bad, but 'ruffles' did cover. Once they were back to normal they went out during the days even though they still had a few days of treatment left to go. I just made sure they couldn't get to the dogs water or the garden pond.

That would be Coccidiosis I know to well about it I had four RIR pullets die from it and we treated them with sulmet to much and we have one now who acts like it has coccidiosis and has done that for 3 months and the other two's combs wont turn and they are around 8 months old

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