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  1. robinwhiskers

    Possibly egg bound hen...

    After a lot of massaging today and monitoring her, I just checked on her going to sleep and she laid a shelless egg! I will definitely leave them the choice of extra calcium just in case and watch her tomorrow. I actually scheduled an appointment with an avian vet tomorrow so I'm glad to be able...
  2. robinwhiskers

    Possibly egg bound hen...

    She seemed off in just seeming slower and not as active. She is basically a bantam so is usually very active, not skittish but still flighty and quick in her mocements. She is in the coop separate right now, like I said only pooped once and just a small amount in the past several hours. This...
  3. robinwhiskers

    Possibly egg bound hen...

    I had another thread, but this one needed to be more specific. My 2 y/o Sicilian buttercup seemed off suddenly last night (I've been very observant about them since my 4 y/o Plymouth rock died last week without an apparent reason) and this morning as well. Later in the day she seemed fine, the...
  4. robinwhiskers

    Hens have dried diarrhea in vent feathers, one hen suddenly acting off

    I hopefully should be able to take a fecal test to the vet tomorrow to know if I should treat them with corid. Not sure what to do about the buttercup, because there's not anything I can do about it tonight.
  5. robinwhiskers

    Hens have dried diarrhea in vent feathers, one hen suddenly acting off

    I just checked on her, she seemed the same but like I said it's hard to tell when they just want to go to bed. She did poop though while I was out there so that's good. Tomorrow it is supposed to get much hotter so I will definitely give them electrolytes.
  6. robinwhiskers

    Hens have dried diarrhea in vent feathers, one hen suddenly acting off

    All of my hens have suddenly had dried diarrhea/dirt(?) hardened in their vent feathers. I dewormed them with fenbendazole 6 days ago after the sudden death of a hen, although I do not know if they had worms or not. I will say when I see them defecate it usually is solid though. They've all been...
  7. robinwhiskers

    Sudden respiratory issue in flock

    They are moved into the run, and even though they have a high roost, they decided to all sleep huddled close on the ground. We nailed one of the walls from the coop before it was destroyed to the run so they have one wall up with the roost and nesting boxes behind it. I tried putting them on the...
  8. robinwhiskers

    Sudden respiratory issue in flock

    They are more sluggish this morning but it may be because they slept in their little coop last night. Going to move them finally today. Should this clear up itself with them in the larger enclosure? This happens all when I am leaving for almost a week.
  9. robinwhiskers

    Sudden respiratory issue in flock

    Okay it stinks this happened literally right before moving them. I should be able to put them back in their original space today. I will have to find something to use as a makeshift coop but they do have their run
  10. robinwhiskers

    Sudden respiratory issue in flock

    The smaller coop is not super ventilated unfortunately and I haven't added any birds
  11. robinwhiskers

    Sudden respiratory issue in flock

    My chickens have always been overall healthy (7 are almost 4 years old and 2 are almost 2 years old). Anyway long story short a MASSIVE tree fell right on our coop a few months ago but miraculously all survived and were unhurt, even the roo who was pinned beneath the coop walls covered in...
  12. robinwhiskers

    I need chicken trick suggestions

    Today she learned that when I hold up a flash card that says "Bell" to go over and ring her bell, eventually want her to differentiate between different cards that say different tricks on them.
  13. robinwhiskers

    I need chicken trick suggestions

    Well she is an Orpington so she has a naturally friendly temperament, but hard work is all it takes. It is a lot of fun.
  14. robinwhiskers

    I need chicken trick suggestions

    I use food rewards, yes. Once she knows the tricks though we don't rely on them but she is paid well for her work. Oats are what we usually use, but if something of higher value is needed I'll use blueberries, plain chicken, and sometimes bread. Potty training, nope she isn't potty trained! If...
  15. robinwhiskers

    I need chicken trick suggestions

    I don't know if that head shake one would work. :D If you call her a pretty bird she does fluff up her head though and she does the same thing if she hears a high pitched voice or if she hears singing. She does know some behavior chains and can do weave poles, her little teeter, and a place...
  16. robinwhiskers

    I need chicken trick suggestions

    Awesome! Do you guys have any ideas for new tricks? Also I'm thinking in the future of finding a way to maybe do some sort of therapy work with her? Like her going to visit places to make people smile. :)
  17. robinwhiskers

    I need chicken trick suggestions

    I have an Instagram account, it is chicken.tricks and most of her tricks are there. She does know weaving between my legs I walk. Her hardest trick? I'd say some of her most impressive are jumping up on my back, over my arm, leaving a treat I'm holding, finding a jack in a deck of cards...
  18. robinwhiskers

    I need chicken trick suggestions

    Aww, beautiful bird! Do you have any ideas for tricks for my gal?
  19. robinwhiskers

    I need chicken trick suggestions

    I need ideas of new tricks I should teach my 1 y/o Orpington hen. She already knows 71 different tricks so it is getting difficult coming up with new things for her to learn. :D I don't care how unique it is, please send ideas our way!
  20. robinwhiskers

    Chickens & Music

    Are your hens from the hood :D
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