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  1. fallenweeble

    modern game bantam pair in s. california! (pics)

    i have two pair of modern game bantams and the boys are starting to get snippy with each other so i am seeking a home for one pair! the boys are lemon blues (BEAUTIFUL) and the girls are dark brown with lemon. i'm selling only ONE pair (one male and one female) and keeping the other. it is too...
  2. fallenweeble

    i'm a dork and i need advice on my current hatch!

    so . . . let's get this part out of the way. i'm a total dum dum. i know. i admit it. you don't have to tell me. moving right along . . . being the total hatchaholic that i am i put some of my own eggies in the bator five days ago. in this batch are some serama eggs (yea!) and also some mutt...
  3. fallenweeble

    homemade chicken-themed creative exchange?

    i love to trade art - do you? in particular i am a huge fan of "funky" art. i love stuff that is imperfectly perfect - one of a kind stuff that has character, spunk and whimsy. (these qualities are hard, if not impossible to find in mass produced "art.") . you don't have to be a "good" artist...
  4. fallenweeble

    just need a few hugs

    i hatched out a batch of serama eggs last thursday and had 15 babies hatch live. the smallest of the chicks seemed to be having trouble standing/balancing and would lay on his right side all the time but he was very verbal so i though maybe it was simply a splay leg or something along those...
  5. fallenweeble

    pet parrot pics!

    i got a new camera and i've been taking photos of anything that moves. here are some pics of our resident parrots. aren't they purdy? this is jack and diane: here's the love of my life, weeble. and this is brock
  6. fallenweeble

    look who's been visiting our back yard!

    i found some pics online that look just like him and apparently he is a "california quail." he is getting braver and braver and comes closer to me each day. his feathers are BEAUTIFUL!
  7. fallenweeble

    pics of my seramas and moderns (warning - pic heavy of course!)

    i got a new camera and so today i took one billion chicken pictures. here are some of my seramas - aren't they neato? this is poquito - my smallest roo here's "the fonz" and these are some of the ladies i have a tiny flock of modern game bantams. they crack me up on those loooong...
  8. fallenweeble

    serama babies!!! *warning* PIC HEAVY

    okay, i figured out how to upload pics from my new camera to the computer and so here are a whole BUNCH of photos of my serama chicks. the following are from the group that hatched on thursday. i got 15 altogether out of this hatch and i am very pleased. these little ones, by the way, are from...
  9. fallenweeble

    15 serama peeps!!! PICS ADDED!

    oh my gosh what a roller coaster ride the last 24 hours have been but i'm going to skip to the end and say YAHOO!!! i have 15 new serama babies. i got eggs from frank (love ya frank!) and i had about a 50% hatch rate which is very good fro serama eggs. some of these babies are TINY, like itsy...
  10. fallenweeble

    silkie/showgirl roos in s. california

    i have one black showgirl roo, one white silkie roo and one white with black silkie roo that need new homes! all three have just matured during the last month and the crowing is getting INTENSE! no charge for any of them. i just want to find good homes!
  11. fallenweeble

    my name is fallenweeble and i'm a hatchaholic . . .

    can't. stop. hatching. so, today is day 18 for my (current) clutch of serama eggs and i just bought MORE From frank today. an intervention may be in order!!!!
  12. fallenweeble

    i made my own humidity pad for my r-com 20!

    so let me begin by sayin' that i love my r-com. it is PERFECT for dum dums like me who can't boil water or make ice cubes. but . . . the humidity pad #$! (rhymes with tux). sure, i didn't take good care of it - i didn't boil it immediately after the last hatch like i was supposed to . . . i'm...
  13. fallenweeble

    what kind of animal can open the top hatches on a chik-n-barn?

    we have the smaller/younger chickens in a chik-n-barn/yard combo. when setting the whole thing up i put 1/2 inch hardwire on the bottom of the barn and yard and also at the corners and other vulnerable areas. there are no gaps bigger than one inch. on saturday evening something managed to get a...
  14. fallenweeble

    non-emergency question about differences between chicken illnesses

    i've been reading old posts, trying to educate myself about chicken health, feeding, etc. etc. one thing i've become a bit befuddled about is what the following terms mean: CRD, MG, and Coryza are these three ways to describe the same illness or does each term describe a distinct malady? thanks!
  15. fallenweeble

    just in case you were wondering (warning - pics)

    what would happen if you crossed a buttercup hen with a buff silkie roo . . . wonder no more.
  16. fallenweeble

    here's one of the temporary serama coops.

    this is a chick-n-barn and chick-n-yard that i sorta rigged a bit. i added perches and toys that are generally marketed for parrots (the one that looks like a spring is called a boing). and guess what? the chickens love to play on them! i also added a small plastic catbox with dirt to bathe in...
  17. fallenweeble

    PICTURES! serama's + (uh, REALLY pic heavy . . .)

    the fella on the left is one of my FAVORITE chickens - he's so cool i call him "the fonz". the little hen (?) on on the right is from the same hatch (frank's eggs) and is the smallest of all of my seramas. here's another pic of the little hen with her tail up. cute no? and another of her...
  18. fallenweeble

    i have a pip! PHOTOS PG 1 - UPDATE!

    when i went out to SnM Poultry last month to deliver the serama chicks J. gave me some lemon blue modern game bantam eggs because i had totally fallen in love with his MGB when i had visited his place last time - they are so neat, very friendly birds and that color is to die for! (seven in...
  19. fallenweeble

    s. california seramas available

    they hatched out at the end of january and are sassy and beautiful. i (of course) have many more roosters then hens that need new homes but i do have a couple of hens i'm willing to let go for folks who want the roos. i have aprox. 7 roosters and two hens that i want to place. i'd prefer local...
  20. fallenweeble

    mites on chicks? need advice pls.

    i'm noticing that on my youngest group of chicks, the ones who are being mothered by my broody silkie, that the fuzz on some of the chicks is starting to look sparse and the skin in those areas (around the neck mostly) looks super dry. is this a sign of mites? i have sevin dust and also a spray...
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