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  1. just a dozen

    Floor Material For Coop And Run

    My coop is 12x8 my run is 12x20. The coop floor is concrete but I need to put something on it for warmth and to keep it dry.It has some sand down . Also want to put something in run to keep it from being to sloppy and help keep feet dry. I use pine shaving in my nest boxes. My 4 mt. olds scratch...
  2. just a dozen

    Not Sure If Egg Bound Or Injured

    My 7 mth.old production hen can't walk right,she is "squatting"down and waddles and has to flap her wings to help her move.She let's me pick her up which is odd,(she's skittish)she doesn't try to escape.Her tail is down so it's hard to see her vent.When I pick her up she doesn't extend her legs...
  3. just a dozen

    Combining Pullets

    I put my 12 wk olds (3 rir & 3 ee) in with my 6 mth olds. (2 prod red hens,1 bantie hen,1 bantie roo) 4 days ago.Did it at night went ok. Now in the daytime the "big"ones fight w/ little ones.I know it will stop but how long ! The little ones won't come out of coop unless I'm out there.They also...
  4. just a dozen

    Broody Bantie?`

    I have a 6 month old mille fleur d'uccle bantie, she started laying about a month ago.She lays an egg a day usually.This morning she was in nest box@ 7am.6 pm she was still in nest box opposite positon laying on her egg.Lifted her and put on floor her posture never changed looked like she was...
  5. just a dozen

    Layer Or Flock Raiser?

    I have 3 rir & 3 ee 6 wks old & 6 20 wk olds (2 roos), my hens have started laying and went to purchase food. Wanted something I could feed all of then once my 6 WK old are off starter.Local feed store said layer will be ok for all of them once 6 wk olds were 10 wks old. She said the 16% is ok...
  6. just a dozen

    My First Egg

    Not sure who laid it.... white egg is a store bought large egg. Now just waiting for another one.
  7. just a dozen

    Flogging Bantam

    My beautiful banty roo started flogging me today. I was reading and people say pick him up. He won't let me get close enough to him. He will run away then come back after me. I was in the coop when it happened.
  8. just a dozen

    Rehoming Roosters

    I have 4 roosters Production Reds( I think )16 wks old.. I can rehome them to friend with 10 acres so they can free range.She has no chickens. They get along fine now.Do you think they'll have problems later? Too many roosters not always a good thing but without hens will they get along better.I...
  9. just a dozen

    Mixing new babies with 18 wk babies

    I" inherited" 4 ameracauna peeps. When they are 6 wks.old and able to be put outside my other babies will be approx. 18 wks(6 RIR?,2 black? & 2 mille fleur bantams). I plan on putting my brooder in my chicken coop do you think this will help the process? Also should I feed flock raiser to all of...
  10. just a dozen

    Breed Please

    Can Someone Help Me Out And Tell Me What Breed My Chicks Are I Know The Bantam But The Red, Black And Black/yellow Mix I Don't Know
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