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  1. PlayTheGame

    First hawk attack

    I have been raising buff brahmas for 4 years. Yesterday my buff Brahma rooster, Dominic, lost his life to a red-tailed hawk trying to save his flock. It was pretty upsetting. He was almost 3 ft tall. My chickens are not free range but they are in a 40 ft x 40 ft yard with an 8 ft fence and I...
  2. PlayTheGame

    Daddy turkey

    I am in Florida. It is summer and had been for sl.ost 2 months . Once he hatched out to he just lost interest in the eggs and was more focused on the two babies he just stopped sitting on the other eggs and of course she did not want to sit on them at all
  3. PlayTheGame

    Daddy turkey

    The dad is a wonderful mommy. He takes his two babies and they go on nature walks. They live in a 40 ft by 40 ft totally fenced with netting as a roof. Keeps the Hawks away. Out of the 17 Eggs only 2 hatched.
  4. PlayTheGame

    Daddy turkey

    I have a male and female Royal Palm Mexican Wild turkeys. The female laid 17 eggs and the male is the one who sat on them. They started to hatch yesterday. The female turkey seems like she doesn't care either way. The male turkey has become their mom. Has anyone else ever experienced this? And...
  5. PlayTheGame

    Turkey housing

    I am getting 2 Red Burbon turkeys is about a month. I was going to keep them in my chicken yard but would rather put them in my big poultry yard 60' x 60'. I am in the process of building their home. My question is, my hen house has a wooden floor. DO all of you keep your birds on wood floor...
  6. PlayTheGame

    White Crested Black Polish egg clutch

    Did the 3 legged on survive?
  7. PlayTheGame

    White Crested Black Polish egg clutch

    This little black one is the only one like it. I don't mind I just was not expecting it lol. The baby is much smaller than the others also. All my birds of this type are standard polish and all are White crested blacks. I also have Brahmas which are huge but they are not with the polish
  8. PlayTheGame

    White Crested Black Polish egg clutch

    I have never had this happen before. Is it a normal fluke?
  9. PlayTheGame

    Comment by 'PlayTheGame' in item 'Polish'

    I had a pure black chick hatch from a clutch of white crested black polish. First time I have seen this
  10. PlayTheGame

    White Crested Black Polish egg clutch

    I am hatching out another clutch of WCBP. It is going well. All look healthy so far and active. One weird thing, One is solid black. I have never had this before. Is this a fluke? Will the baby change color? Am I blessed with a pure black white crested polish and if so what will the baby be...
  11. PlayTheGame

    Buff Brahma..Hen or Rooster?

    Buff Brahma roosters are so pretty. I would have nothing but. Mine are now 6 months old about 2 and a half feet tall fat heavy and gorgeous. Oh and so sweet
  12. PlayTheGame

    Buff Brahma..Hen or Rooster?

    I know this is an old post. I am just wondering what sex the bird ended up being because to me the bird looks just like all my hens at that age
  13. PlayTheGame

    Hen or Rooster?

    That is the cage I put them in to clean out their pen and it is easier to take pictures of them in there. It is a ferret They have a 3 foot high by 5 foot long by 2 foot wide brooder. They do not have all their feathers yet and all my chickens are free range with a 12x12 hen house...
  14. PlayTheGame

    Hen or Rooster?

    My large chick is jumping on all the other chicks and pecks them. They spend their day trying to get away from the chick. They are all the same age, about 5 or 6 weeks. The others are calm. I have raised many chicks ( all pullets ) Never had this issue. Is she a he?
  15. PlayTheGame

    I can sex your pullets and cockerels!

    I bought 4 Buff Brahma pullets so I thought. All were the same size when I got them almost 5 weeks ago Now I am wondering if any are hens at all. I was told 3 rows of pea combs means rooster. Anyone have a clue as hen or roo?
  16. PlayTheGame

    Homemade incubators

    I am going to build one and just wanted to see what others have done and how it worked out for them
  17. PlayTheGame

    Hen or Rooster?

    pullet or roo different chicks. A man told me you can tell by the comb as early as 4 weeks so I did some research. From what I am reading, if there are 3 rows of peas it is a roo, one set is pullet. If this is true, out of the 4 pullets I bought 3 of them are roos. Is any one familiar...
  18. PlayTheGame

    Homemade incubators

    Post your home made incubator here and if you can, give details of how it worked for you.
  19. PlayTheGame

    Any incubator tips out there?

    I am curious, I also have the 9300 and this will be my first time hatching. ( I normally buy chicks ) I have 18 eggs in it with the egg turner. My temp stays at 100.5 but my humidity is all over. Have you had any success with this machine?
  20. PlayTheGame

    Incubating and Hatching chicks with this incubator, low hatch rates, need advice

    I am wondering the same thing.................... My temp stays steady at 100.1 but my humidity is all over the place
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