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  1. Clappmeg

    Young hen keeps stepping on her own feet when walking...?

    Any update on this??? I know it was a long time ago but I have a chick with the EXACT same symptoms.
  2. Clappmeg

    7 Week Old Orpington Shuffles

    Thank you so much. This is the most helpful info I've received so far. I initially removed her from her group as I was sure she was going to be trampled. The others literally walked all over her. Is B complex typically available at drug stores? Or feed stores?
  3. Clappmeg

    7 Week Old Orpington Shuffles

    Hi all, I received 4 lavender orpington chicks from Meyer Hatchery the first week of February. All 15 chicks arrived healthy and were doing well until I noticed one was not growing as fast as the others. She is now about half the size of the rest and sort of hobbles when she walks, almost like...
  4. Clappmeg

    Silkie Chick: Slipped Wings?

    Hi all, Can you take a look at a few photos of my silkie chick and tell me what you think of it's wings? They stick out a good amount and point away from it's body. It's much more docile and calm than it's siblings. I'm hoping there's not something wrong..? Thank you! ull]2216846[/ATTACH]
  5. Clappmeg

    HELP Egg Pipped but No Movement

    See attached photo. This chick is under broody mama and has pipped with a bit of the beak through the shell but there is no movement whatsoever, even after tapping/rocking very gently. No chirping. I can actually see inside the shell where it has pipped and I don't see any movement. Any chance...
  6. Clappmeg

    Broody Silkies Question

    I currently have 5 broody Silkies, one of which has a clutch of 8 eggs due to hatch any day now. This hen will be a first time mom. My question is: should I give a few of the 8 chicks to the other broody hens? This would lighten her load a bit and it would be nice to have multiple hens looking...
  7. Clappmeg

    Silkie Hen Messy Vent Feathers

    Hi guys, I'm attaching photo(s) of my silkie hens butt feathers. I gave her a bath 3-4 weeks ago since she had so much poop built up on her feathers and now it looks yucky again. This time almost stringy looking. All my chickens have been dewormed and treated for mites about 2 months ago. What...
  8. Clappmeg

    Looking for Silkie hens in CNY!

    Hi all, I'm struggling to find Silkie hens for sale in central NY. I would really like some nice show quality birds but would be willing to purchase pet quality as well! Please let me know if you have any resources. Thanks!!
  9. Clappmeg

    Deworming: Uses for withdrawal eggs?

    Hi all, I've just dewormed my flock of silkies with safegaurd. I understand there is a 14 day withdrawal period (which will turn into about a month after the second application in 10 days). I'm looking for some uses for the eggs that are laid during this time. Can I scramble them and feed them...
  10. Clappmeg

    Silkie coloration

    Hi all! I'm wondering what you think of this silkie roo of mine. He's got a silver/red/partridge coloring with tan/brown spots on his wing feathers. He's obviously not show quality but I think he's just gorgeous! I've never seen any other silkie that looks like this! Thoughts?
  11. Clappmeg

    Ivermectin Pour On: Dosage and Instructions???

    Hi all, My Silkie flock is currently being affected by scaly leg mites and possibly worms? I've noticed watery poo for some time now and I've heard to worm in fall and spring anyway. What dosage should I be using for my chickens? Do I need to withhold eggs? Do I need to retreat in 10 days...
  12. Clappmeg

    (another) silkie gender Cmb, silkie, gender, rooster,

    That would be just my luck!! Love them either way, just worried how they'll get along with my other two adult roos in the flock once I incorporate them :fl
  13. Clappmeg

    (another) silkie gender Cmb, silkie, gender, rooster,

    Hi all, So I'm going to post a few pics of my two 7.5 week old silkie chicks and I would love for you to give me your thoughts on the partridge chick! I KNOW the white chick is a roo. He's had a comb and wattles since just a few weeks old. While mama is a show quality hen (blue ribbon winner...
  14. Clappmeg

    Late Hatching Egg Viability and Genetics Question

    Hi all! I've had a Silkie sitting on a small clutch of 3 eggs for 3 weeks now. 2 of the eggs hatched (one last night, one the day before). I' don't think the last egg will hatch. The other day I could not find it in the nest to check and it had been buried underneath some hay and although was...
  15. Clappmeg

    Chicks snuggling with broody?

    Thank you all for your advice! I feel like I should separate the chicks but how should I do it? I had a baby gate around her since she's right in the corner of the coop but the rest of my flock were finding ways around it. If I pick her up and move her to a separate cage, will this turn her off...
  16. Clappmeg

    Chicks snuggling with broody?

    Hi all, I have a broody silkie chicken sitting on 3 eggs which are developing great as far as I can tell.. they look to be about 11-12 days along. I have two older chicks in my flock (about 3-4 months old). Both of them but especially one in particular have seemed to take a liking to my broody...
  17. Clappmeg

    What's wrong with my Silkies hair-do?

    Hi all, My silkie chicken has always had a nice puffy pom pom on the top of her head. Recently, it has looked really scraggly and almost porcupine-like. I initially thought molting but this is only happening to the one area on top of her head. She also seems to like to dip her whole head in the...
  18. Clappmeg

    WANTED: Silkie Hens

    They look gorgeous. Are you NPIP certified? Do you ship?
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