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  1. Guy with a Rooster

    Puppy Pictures!

    ;)The new Mutt
  2. Guy with a Rooster

    Comment by 'Guy with a Rooster' in article 'Coop Design 2'

    I've had any empty dog house in my back yard for a while . Can't believe I never though of doing that too :he. I might just incorporate the dog house into one of my small chicken runs that I've never really been to happy about the design. This may solve some problems..... Or create new ones...
  3. Guy with a Rooster

    What's this growth ?

    Hello BYC community ! Hope we had a good festive week . I was looking at my youngest group of hens; my blue eggers and I noticed my only Cream Leg Bar hen had a growth on her beak. I would like community opinion on what it might be and should I treat at home or take to a vet ? Thanks :thumbsup .
  4. Guy with a Rooster

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    When the vending machines for Coca-Cola and Pepsi were 25 cents so you would buy from the RC Cola vending machine because their soda was only 15 cents ... :old
  5. Guy with a Rooster

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I remember when "old people " looked old. .... and now they don't ! :th
  6. Guy with a Rooster

    At how many months do Barred Rocks begin to lay?

    Hello, I purchased 4 Barred Rocks from Cackle. I believe they were hatched the 14th of June. It feels like I've had these 4 for alot longer. What is the estimated time until I begin to see first eggs? I know every breed can be a bit different. Thanks !:frow
  7. Guy with a Rooster

    Georgia Giant Quail

    Hatchery. Yea they're more expensive but in my experience its cheaper in the long run. Think of the weeks / months you put in, only to end up with more roosters than hens. Bought from a hatchery, only one was a rooster . I have a second group in the living room; about three weeks old. If...
  8. Guy with a Rooster

    I’m thinking of getting a pet chick quail!

    DO IT ! :thumbsup
  9. Guy with a Rooster

    Georgia Giant Quail

    Get them from a hatchery and save yourself some headaches in terms of incubating and getting too many rosters vs hens ratio.
  10. Guy with a Rooster

    MY German Shepard saved my Rooster from Eagle attack( Pics are posted)

    Yea. Does BYC have a pet of year award ? We should have multiple categories. -Best Dog - Best Cat - Best Roo - David and Goliath category - Best redemption story - honorable mentions Who do we speak to in BYC to make this happen?? :old
  11. Guy with a Rooster

    Help, my hens are broken

    If it makes you feel better to see them in a box, build another box right above the one you have or hang a box higher than everything else around . I have a suspension nesting box with space between the "roof" and the box. They can choose , in the box or above it. Get rid of those thick stems...
  12. Guy with a Rooster


    Sour Roses , thank you so much for putting it so simply for me. Your first line was exactly what I needed to know. :yesss: I ordered 5 females chick's from Cackle, blue Eggers. 6 arrived today.
  13. Guy with a Rooster

    Ameraucana Breeding Conundrum. Input?

    I typed Ameraucana in the search bar and checked, title only. I've been going down the line reading all those threads one by one. Id have start over to see which one
  14. Guy with a Rooster

    Ameraucana Breeding Conundrum. Input?

    Thanks, I ordered 5 blue Eggers from Cackle Hatchery. Was reading earlier on a different thread, some one said their Ameraucana laid brown eggs.
  15. Guy with a Rooster

    Comment by 'Guy with a Rooster' in album 'Cream Legbar'

    Very nice. What am I missing in the last picture? Is it the box they came in ?
  16. Guy with a Rooster

    Ameraucana Breeding Conundrum. Input?

    Do all ameraucana always lay blue ? :confused:
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