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  1. T

    Cinnamon Queen or Isa Brown or what?

    If they were all that combo none could have rose combs and many do... especially those from Hoovers, so they must use a different mix(RIR and SLW are also used by some)? ISAs however are usually from RIR/RIW)
  2. T

    Barred Rock Roo???

    leg color in barred rocks is a very well known way to tell
  3. T

    3 Blue, 1 Lavender Ameraucana(not EE) roosters. 15 weeks old Overton County, TN

    July 1 2021 hatches. Friendly little dudes, just already have 2 adult roosters and not enough hens. Moms were Cackle Lavender and Black, dad was a Cackle Lavender. My broody sexlink hatched 4, we hatched 4 in an incubator.
  4. T

    Are these pullet or cockerel? Help with gender.

    #2 appears to have some cream color(not as white as a Delaware and can have neck speckles)? could be an amberlink.
  5. T

    Cinnamon Queen or Isa Brown or what?

    They both are red sexlinks yes, but from a different hen/roo pairing. Queens typically have darker feathers like black in some areas including the tail(some may also have rose combs but not all). ISA however will be brown/red and white, no black and will have single combs only.
  6. T

    Mixed breed chickens. Need help identifying.

    They all look like mixes(all have traits of more than 1 kind of bird), none look like true breeds.
  7. T

    Barred Rock Roo???

    Dead giveaways are the lighter appearance(due to double barring in males), bright yellow legs with no color and of course the obvious comb/wattles.
  8. T

    2 suspected cockerels at 8 weeks

    They are both male
  9. T


    Ameraucanas will always have beards/muffs, dark legs and a pea comb. They also only come in 9 colors, none of those weird EE patterns you see(though colors can vary if you breed one color to another). This site is helpful and has descriptors and photos...
  10. T

    We are trying to figure out what they are.

    They are all amberlinks...
  11. T

    Ameraucana + Rhode Island Red

    if a true ameraucana (not EE or Americana) you have a better chance of this if the sexes were egg male with brown egg female...will always be olive laying chicks
  12. T

    Molting chicken laying soft shell or cracked eggs

    Its been a long time since this post but did you figure it out? I also have one doing this right now and I know its her, I have seen her do it.
  13. T

    Blue plymouth rock

    I say hatch 2x as many as you want...some wont be fertilized, some just wont take and some that do quit for no apparent reason. I started with 17(I found a crack in one upon arrival) with 5 under broody, the rest in the incubator.
  14. T

    Blue plymouth rock

    Near Cookeville TN....I had never hatched either but we did hatch 4 of these, broody hatched other 4, and let her raise them all. We did both just in case she didnt sit the whole time, never had a broody, wasnt sure how it would all work out.
  15. T

    Blue plymouth rock

    I was able to get my hands on some actual Ameraucana hatching eggs locally this summer when I had a broody sexlink hen and we got 8, they are adorable...Blue, Lavender, and Splash.
  16. T

    Barred Rock cross??

    sounds very possible with the feathered legs, size and beard
  17. T

    What Kind of Plymouth Rock Is This?

    They have knock off mixes now at TSC probably through Townline... most likely what it is
  18. T

    Blue plymouth rock

    Yes I hate that! It is even funnier when they argue the fact and you can look and see that the hatchery doesnt even breed them... if you go to most websites they do say Americana, never Ameraucana(like TSC/Hoovers below). Now just adding to the confusion they are selling easter eggers as a whole...
  19. T

    Blue plymouth rock

    Yes you would get sexable chicks. I will be doing this with my Blue Ameraucana Rooster and my Dominique and Cuckoo Marans hens to hatch sexable olive eggers next year.
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