Molting chicken laying soft shell or cracked eggs


5 Years
Apr 30, 2014
Placerville, CA
My chicken age 1 /2 yrs started molting. Now she lays soft or broken shell eggs about twice a week. I'm giving her extra calcium and vits to see if it improves.

Question: Is it because she's molting why her eggs are like this? Will she eventually stop laying all together while in full molt?

I thought molting stops egg laying?

Thank you
I've heard of molting birds laying occasionally but building a new winter coat takes a lot out of them and any strain on the system and available protein usually stops ovulation.
As for the poor quality shells, just make sure the calcium/phosphorus/vitamin D3 ratio is proper. That comes from either a complete layer feed or a grower/all flock feed with oyster shell in a separate container. Few treats unless they are in the form of meat/fish to supplement the protein needed for growing feathers.
I've heard of molting birds laying occasionally but building a new winter coat takes a lot out of them and any strain on the system and available protein usually stops ovulation.
As for the poor quality shells, just make sure the calcium/phosphorus/vitamin D3 ratio is proper. That comes from either a complete layer feed or a grower/all flock feed with oyster shell in a separate container. Few treats unless they are in the form of meat/fish to supplement the protein needed for growing feathers.
Good advice, thank you. I didn't know strain and protein stops ovulation.
Its been a long time since this post but did you figure it out? I also have one doing this right now and I know its her, I have seen her do it.

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