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  1. D

    Possible breeding program

    For future use, a broody hen won't accept chicks from an incubator until she has clucked to them overnight. Just after dark, put the chicks in a box beside the hen where she can hear them. She will usually accept them the next day.
  2. D

    Breeding blue egg laying Olandsk Dwarfs?

    For breeding objectives, here are a few things that can help. 1. Blue egg is dominant but a single copy of the gene usually produces lighter blue eggs than 2 copies. With practice, you can select homozygous hens based on eggs they produce. 2. Any trace of porphyrin (brown eggs) in your...
  3. D

    Chicken combs. How to breed for different types?

    Single comb and pea comb are different alleles of the same gene on chromosome 1. Rose comb is from a combination of the rose comb inversion on chromosome 7 plus single comb on chromosome 1. Rose comb on chromosome 7 plus pea comb on chromosome 1 gives walnut comb. Two versions of rose comb...
  4. D

    anyone working on a white-egg laying Easter Egger? (or other white-layer cross)

    Most Ameraucana chickens are relatively light weight. A cold tolerant breed generally runs between 7 and 10 pounds. Pea comb, rose comb, cushion comb, and flat rose comb are common on cold tolerant chickens. Yellow legs are an important trait for cold tolerant chickens. White eggs are mostly...
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    Silver Laced Wyandottes that lay blue eggs

    I'm getting ready for another year of selection and breeding. My SLW's are laying about 8 eggs per day and should ramp up quite a bit in early February. One desirable trait in SLW is laying even in the coldest weather so long as they have plenty of food. I have a two year old rooster tested...
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    Silver Laced Wyandotte question

    Beautiful chickens, comb is not typical rose, appears to be flat rose as typical of Foley's birds.
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    Ameraucana genetics question

    She was both rumpless and a white egg layer so two strikes you're out of the breeding pool.
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    Ameraucana genetics question

    Some interesting side effects from crossing Silver Laced Wyandotte with blue egg laying Brown Leghorns might be useful. I've had both red ears and white ears with chickens that visually are Silver Laced Wyandotte. I think there is an interaction with egg color as white ears correlate with sky...
  9. D

    Silver Laced Wyandotte Cockerels, any good?

    Neither of the pictured birds is good enough for serious breeding. A has problems with smuttiness in saddle feathers and pointed lacing. B and C have too much black in hackle feathers. A is the better choice of the pictured birds. One of the issues is from the slow feathering variant in...
  10. D

    Looking for americaunas

    Do you have a particular color in mind?
  11. D

    Genetic advantage of single over pea comb

    "Laying eggs in winter in a cold climate doesn't sound like an evolutionary advantage to me" Humans shaped chicken evolution for roughly the last 3500 years. We provided selection pressure to lay eggs in quantities well beyond what jungle fowl lay. We wanted chickens to lay in cold climates...
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    Genetic advantage of single over pea comb

    Single comb is an advantage in hot climates. Light body size is also an advantage. Light colored feathers are another heat advantage. What about cold climate advantages? Pea comb, rose comb, cushion comb, and flat comb are all advantaged to different degrees in cold climates. But it takes a...
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    Blue laying Orpington types!

    I've posted pictures here a few times. should show a few. I have several single comb hens currently though I am gradually shifting the genetics toward rose comb.
  14. D

    Blue laying Orpington types!

    The blue egg laying Silver Laced Wyandottes I have would be close to ideal for your purposes. You could easily have a silver laced Orpington that lays blue eggs in a couple of years. Other than that, one of the stable Ameraucana lines would be viable.
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    Breeding for longevity/long layers

    Sounds like breeding elephants. You only get to observe one or two generations. Seriously, it could be effective, but has potential to compromise a lot of other traits.
  16. D

    Do Whiting True Blues have the Zinc White gene?

    IME, zinc white affects shell structure (making it slightly thicker) and color (by inhibiting production of porphyrin). It has positive effects on blue egg coloring. The prettiest eggs I am currently collecting are intense sky blue with the typical white background from zinc white combined...
  17. D

    Silver Laced Wyandotte question

    Tail feathers are a problem. Color appears washed out black or maybe brown. The version of slow feathering is a problem, pattern shows distinct arrow tips. I can't tell if that is gold leakage or something else going on with the tint.
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    Silver Laced Wyandotte question

    Compare yours with this picture and then draw conclusions. This is a similar age young hen.
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    Breeding for olive eggs, why cross dark brown roo over blue hen and not the other way around?

    Sorry, I disagree, any time two genes are on the same chromosome, there is an inherent linkage. Granted that it may be very weak and easily broken. The chicken genome is littered with the debris of cross-over events. I'm taking advantage of one such cross-over where the oocyanin gene has been...
  20. D

    Breeding for olive eggs, why cross dark brown roo over blue hen and not the other way around?

    At least one gene in the porphryin biopath is on the W/Z sex chromosome pair. Slow feathering is on the W/Z sex chromosome. Therefore if certain feather types are desired in the offspring combined with porphyrin production, it would make more sense to make the cross in one direction than the...
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