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  1. C

    Broody mama leaving egg out-but it’s still viable!

    I have a Wyandotte mama who’s sitting on a clutch of 6 eggs. She’s been great so far. I’ve noticed though that she keeps leaving an egg (or a couple) out from underneath her. So far I’ve just been scooting them back underneath her but tonight when I found one I decided to candle it and see if...
  2. C

    6 week partridge plymouth rock gender??

    This is a partridge plymouth rock at approximately 6 weeks. I’ve had horrible luck with chicks turning into roos and the fact that this one has a comb starting freaks me out. However, it’s mostly yellow and I don’t really see any wattles forming yet so those seem like good signs. What’s your...
  3. C

    How to protect hen’s head during mating

    7 hens to 4 roosters. We haven’t had the bantam roosters long and we’re trying to get rid of them.
  4. C

    How to protect hen’s head during mating

    I have one macho rooster and a couple little bantam roosters that have all but plucked all the feathers from the back of my hens’ heads when they’ve mated. It doesn’t seem to bother the girls and they’re not being pecked at by other hens, so should I just let it be? Is there something I can do...
  5. C

    Broody not in lockdown, day 20

    Dud. She sat on that last egg another week until it was looking grody and I candled it again. Dead. Looks like it got shrink wrapped but I didn’t have the heart to break it open. 😩
  6. C

    Broody hen regulating humidity to hatch?

    That’s a great solution. Thanks! Nervous first timer here.
  7. C

    Broody hen regulating humidity to hatch?

    She’s currently in my living room in a big “maternity ward” until the chick hatches. So there can’t be a leak. It’s almost like she got herself wet and then sat down on the egg. I’ll offer her some dry shredded paper so she can tuck it under her. I don’t want to risk her leaving the egg because...
  8. C

    Broody hen regulating humidity to hatch?

    I have come to understand they are masters of maternal instincts and they have all the equipment needed. Her waterer is in the corner or her brooder box right now So I wondered if she maybe tipped it over. Do you think I should clean it up? I hate to disturb her and the egg under her like that...
  9. C

    Broody hen regulating humidity to hatch?

    So I had to bring in my broody mama and her egg (she’s a bantam and the only viable egg left) because our temps here dipped into the single digits with negative wind chills. We have her set up in a corner of a room where it’s chilly but not cold, but of course that same room has a fireplace and...
  10. C

    Broody not in lockdown, day 20

    Thank you!! I intended to let her keep the chick, it was while moving them both on the nesting pad that the chick somehow came out from under her and got squished. So momma and egg are still in the brooder now, and I hope it’ll hatch so she has a chance to raise it. She’s pretty devout and I...
  11. C

    Urgent: All chicks died. Can broody hen take second clutch ?

    I feel your pain! My broody mama insisted on sitting on eggs and it’s smack dab in the middle of winter here. So when the first chick hatched this morning I thought for sure it was best to relocate her and chick and the remaining egg (she only ended up with 2 viable) inside to a brooder. The...
  12. C

    Broody not in lockdown, day 20

    So one hatched very early this morning, day 24, and in the process of me trying to get them into the brooder (our temps took a huge dip and are in the single digits, windchill is sometimes negative) I squished the chick. I’m sick!!! I was just trying to help and keep it from being exposed. I am...
  13. C

    Broody not in lockdown, day 20

    It’s the end of say 23 (unless I calculated wrong) and not a single sign of pipping, hatching or anything else. I went ahead and candled the eggs again tonight. 3 were duds. Zero movement, no veins, and not the right size for how old they should be. It appears they died at least a few days ago...
  14. C

    Broody not in lockdown, day 20

    It’s day 23 (unless I calculated wrong) and no signs of pipping, hatching, movement, or anything. She’s not been off of them since Friday morning that I can tell.
  15. C

    Broody not in lockdown, day 20

    When she’s been on them they are definitely warm to the touch. However, I have found one a couple times that was halfway under/halfway in her back butt feathers and not all the way up underneath her. Accident? Like she didn’t realize it was sort of exposed? Or did she kick that one out and it...
  16. C

    Broody not in lockdown, day 20

    F That makes me feel better, as it’s been solidly in the low 30s and sometimes low 20s around here. She’s been on them all day today and we’re going into a cold snap, so it makes sense it could take a couple more days. I’ll keep a close eye on her! With it being super cold the next couple of...
  17. C

    Broody not in lockdown, day 20

    My banty broody was off her nest today for awhile eating and drinking and it’s day 20! Does this mean she thinks the eggs aren’t viable? She got right back up on the nest when she was done but I’ve always read lockdown starts on day 18 and they stop getting up. It’s my first time with a broody...
  18. C

    Winter hatch, broody hen off the eggs on day 19

    It’s winter here and the temps have been solidly in the 30s and 40s. I have a clutch of 5 eggs and a broody bantam hen who has sat very faithfully, but twice now she’s hopped off to sit on a couple eggs that my other hens lay in the morning (after I leave for work and can’t collect them). I...
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