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  1. F

    The Cockerel or Hen Game

    I purchased 4 speckled Sussex pullets from tractor supply. They had no roosters for purchase, butttttt… I think I may have a roo because: -all have the same hatch date -larger comb and wattles then the rest -is larger than the rest -the larger comb and wattle are red compared to its siblings...
  2. F

    Check out my chicken tractor

    I plan to use this to clear my yard of grass to start a garden. Once the chickens have eaten the grass, bugs, seeds I will move it to the next spot to increase the size of the garden. I plan to rotate birds from my 12 chicken flock into the tractor. It can also serve as a maternity ward, R&R...
  3. F

    Two Broody Hens

    I have a buff Orpington that went broody 14 days ago. Marked the 12 eggs. Then 7 days ago a second buff Orpington went broody. I decided to take half of the 12 and put them under broody hen #2 so they each have 6 eggs under each other. I didn’t want to have a huge amount a babies. My questions...
  4. F

    First time with a broody hen

    So I have a broody buff Orpington sitting on 10 eggs. My coop is 4 foot above the ground with deep litter method. My question are: 1 - when she hatches these out will they make it out to the food? 2 - should I move her and the eggs into the run at ground level close to the food thus seperating...
  5. F

    Need help! Is this molting?

    She hopped into my lap to get some rubs and I noticed she’s missing feathers. No blood or any injuries. She is part of my first batch and will be a year next month. Is this signs of molting, an aggressive rooster, other hens picking on her? It’s on her back just above the tail feathers. Any help...
  6. F

    Is this molting or something else???

    She hopped into my lap to get some rubs and I noticed she’s missing feathers. No blood or any injuries. She is part of my first batch and will be a year next month. Is this signs of molting, an aggressive rooster, other hens picking on her? It’s on her back just above the tail feathers. Any help...
  7. F

    And this is why...

    This is why my chickens don’t get to free range. First hawk started to make a swoop... I jumped up heading towards the chickens. The hawk decides he doesn’t want any and heads to the tree on the edge of my property. Low and behold... there’s a second hawk. Any ideas what type of hawk this is?
  8. F

    So how does one ...

    Stay warm in 36 deg wet weather with a wind chill that feels like 28 watching your chickens forage for worms and crayfish. On top of the frigid temps, looking at fuzz butts beaks, combs, and feet? Sweet Jebus is this an addiction or an affliction?
  9. F

    Don’t mind my fowl language

    Thanks for the add. Wanted chickens for a bit, but delayed. Wife came home with chickens in April (COVID impulse buy I’m sure) with nothing but little fuzz balls with attitude. Built my coop, learned about chicken math, extended my coop, and learned about integration. We now have 11 hens and 1...
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