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  1. Daytonj

    What other pets do y'all have?

    Do my kids count as pets?!? We have 10 chicks and eventually want to get land and have practically a farm😂
  2. Daytonj

    New to chickens

    We added 4 more! They're just a few days difference. Wanted a bigger chance of having at least 4 thing you know we'll have mini goats and quail😂
  3. Daytonj

    New to chickens

    Ah yah I just wanted to see if I could guess! Actually how I found this site was looking at an old post about marans and guessing by wing-sexing My friend who raises chickens has like 30 hens/roosters he assumed when I got them Sunday they were probably 2-3 days old. Today I took the pictures...
  4. Daytonj

    New to chickens

    I believe they are a few days old. Unfortunately I'm not 100% I got them at tractor supply
  5. Daytonj

    New to chickens

    I went ahead and named them all in hopes they're all hens. Plus I thought it'd be fun for my son to have names to call them. But I'm like 80% sure Brown Sugar is a cockral and like 30% Pumpkin is one too. Looking at the wings I think everyone else is a hen
  6. Daytonj

    New to chickens

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We are new chickens but not raising animals in general. My husband was in FFA growing up and had a pig. We got these babies 2/28 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We got 6 in hopes at least 4 are hens (3) What breeds...
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