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  1. F

    Two birds passed same way can’t find cause

    They are going to do a necropsy and send a sample off to a different lab if they can’t find anything. I don’t know how old my rooster was cause we got him and most of our other birds from an abusive neighbor the duck was maybe 2-4 years old tho. We do our best to keep all food and water clean so...
  2. F

    Two birds passed same way can’t find cause

    I don’t know if anyone has any advice for me here. A while back I had posted about my rooster passing away randomly after no longer being able to move his legs. Well today one of my ducks passed after similar events. I had taken her to the vet a little less than a week ago cause her legs stopped...
  3. F

    Update to dry pox post and potential wet pox now

    So not too long ago I posted about my rooster and hen having yellow spots and I got amazing help finding out it was fowl pox. I’ve done everything I can to treat my entire flock and both birds have now almost fully recovered thankfully! ( Titus my rooster still has a couple white spots from...
  4. F

    Rooster and hen covered in yellow spots

    got it. i did try to open a few the other day thinking it was infected peck wounds and put antibiotic ointment all over my birds. ill keep a very close eye on them all. the two that are infected are in quarantine now but i am gonna treat the whole flock incase since the mosquitoes in my area are...
  5. F

    Rooster and hen covered in yellow spots

    Got it. I have all my birds on poultry cell and I can get ahold of the save a chic probiotic and electrolyte
  6. F

    Rooster and hen covered in yellow spots

    Yeah I’m doing my best to treat them now. I just had my other rooster pass away a few months ago from unknown illness and I am nearly in tears praying they will all survive and be ok from this.
  7. F

    Rooster and hen covered in yellow spots

    Ok thank you so much. Is it possible for him to survive this?? We are doing what we can to get rid of mosquitoes (I like in the swamp area) I also have ducks so I’m gonna try to flock treat everyone I can.
  8. F

    Rooster and hen covered in yellow spots

    So my rooster and hen (both same age from same clutch) recently got a bunch of yellow spots all over their crown. I don’t know if it’s infected peck wounds or if it might be something serious cause this is the first time I’ve seen it. I have one other hen with them and she has had zero spots...
  9. F

    Update on last rooster and debating on blood test

    Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately a necropsy wasn’t an option (as my family didn’t want to send him away and decided to bury him in a secluded part of our yard) but I will call my vet first thing in the morning to see about the blood test
  10. F

    Update on last rooster and debating on blood test

    Hello everyone So my last post was about my rooster ruru, unfortunately a few days after I made that post he passed away (we assume in his sleep as he went to sleep like normal and then never woke up) I have been watching all of my birds very closely as we still don’t know what caused his...
  11. F

    Roosters leg not working and breathing heavy

    The meds were 1mg meloxicam for 3 days. I tried calling the vet back and I just keep getting “user busy” so im still trying to tell them. Today his other leg started doing the same. He can still move his toes but he can’t stand on his own anymore. We don’t know how old he is but I can only guess...
  12. F

    Roosters leg not working and breathing heavy

    So my bantam rooster has recently gotten injured. Bit backstory, about a week ago I went to pick up my chickens, noticed he was limping and thought he had either stepped on a rock or maybe got his foot caught and hurt it so I brought him inside and tried letting him rest it off, he wasn’t...
  13. F

    Took bantam hen to vet. Turned out not to be a cold but much worse

    Just to give a little update the peppermint helped so much last night!! Thank you so much. My mom got out a couple of her diffusers and put one on each side of the room with some peppermint and Gwen didn’t gasp for air last night. It’s giving me so much more hope
  14. F

    Took bantam hen to vet. Turned out not to be a cold but much worse

    Got it. I’ll definitely try that tonight and see how it goes. I did a little mist over her about 10 minutes ago while she took a nap on my chest and she seems to be doing a bit better now. I hope it at least helps her feel more comfortable.
  15. F

    Took bantam hen to vet. Turned out not to be a cold but much worse

    Her comb looks a bright red. I havnt seen it go purple yet. It is mainly either bright red and sometimes a bit pale. I do have a nebulizer. Would putting some peppermint oil in it and giving her a breathing treatment with that work similar?
  16. F

    Took bantam hen to vet. Turned out not to be a cold but much worse

    I don’t know how to explain it but is it normal if she is getting worse at night? She sleeps in my moms room at night. During the day she is sounding so much better. We are giving her the medicine from the doctor and I’m giving her supplements in her water and stuff. When you Listen to her it’s...
  17. F

    Took bantam hen to vet. Turned out not to be a cold but much worse

    I will definitely be doing my best to keep them as healthy as possible. I just went and got a fresh bag of feed and I plan to be making sure they are getting their supplements in their water and feed daily. I hope it at least gives me a little bit longer with her
  18. F

    Took bantam hen to vet. Turned out not to be a cold but much worse

    I have no intention of selling or giving away any of my birds. And outside of the clutch she hatched December last year I have no intention of letting her hatch any more babies. I just want the ones I have now to be able to live happy lives as long as we can manage.
  19. F

    Took bantam hen to vet. Turned out not to be a cold but much worse

    Ok that’s good to know. You said earlier that you think she has a fighting chance tho correct? Also I found the name of the medicine it’s prednisolone.
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