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  1. S

    Cornish X that suddenly can't walk

    Okay so noob question here. Out of 11 Cornish X we suddenly have 1 that cannot walk. She just sits down. We tried getting her up on her legs and she just rocks backwards. She does have a healing wound on her left thigh, but other than that seems perfectly normal. The other 10 are not having this...
  2. S

    Cornish Cross with skin issues?

    We have a small flock of Cornish Cross due to be processed by the end of this month. However when tending to them, we noticed on one of our roosters this skin issue? Maybe? We aren't entirely sure what it could be and Google has come up empty. Thought maybe someone here could help photos...
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    Selling Poultry in Michigan?

    Hi All!:) Hopefully someone has some insight here. Let me start by saying we are loving our chickens and the wife and I can both see us enjoying this enough to create a business out of it. We are about to close on a house with 5 acres, so super exciting times as per ordinances we can add to...
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    New To The Forum!

    Hello! Heres my new member intro: (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? yes. brand new this year (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 14 (3) What breeds do you have? buff orpingtons and black australorps (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard...
  5. S

    Vaccinating yes or no?

    Hi all! We are new to raising chickens and did a lot of research, we have 4 buffs and 10 australorps and they will be for family use once they get to that point. ie. eggs and meat. We will only be keeping a handful of these through the winter for continued egg production. my question is: we...
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