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  1. S

    Roosters fighting

    I’ve had 2 roosters for over a year. My OG Hootie and his son Kyle have been fighting here and there until yesterday Hootie was no where to be found. I ended up finding him down in the woods crouched down and traumatized. I think he was defeated in an ultimate battle. I ended up putting him in...
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    Hen acting strange

    Yesterday I noticed my hen walking weird and standing like she was straining or trying to lay an egg. She’s eating and drinking fine. Her vent looks normal besides having a little bit of poopy butt. Her abd feels swollen. I thought she was egg bound but after I isolated her, she is pooping. Any...
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    Safeguard questions

    I have a chicken Big Momma that has vent gleet, and realizing it is probably because she also has sour crop. I have isolated her and treating for that. I also have a few other chickens that have a little bit of poopy butt. But not nearly as bad as big momma. I wasnt sure if it was because of the...
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    Dwarfism or bantam?

    I have a baby chick that is 6 days old. She isn't growing as fast as the other ones. The first night she wasn't eating or drinking, but I was able to nurse her back to health with watered down yogurt. Now she has been fine, regular part of the pack, and eating and drinking normally. But she...
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    Chicken illness or lash egg?

    What do you think it is? Lash? Something else? No rancid smell. To scared to cut it open. Found on my droppings board. To note. I have 5 pullets ready to lay any day now, 9 laying hens (minus molting ones) and 2 roo. One around 20 wks. one or 2 birds that Ive noticed have had runny diarrhea and...
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    10 new babies emerged from the woods!

    Help!!! I have only raised chicks once before and they were store bought, so not the same experience!! Mom thats been missing for the last few weeks just emerged from hiding with her crew of 10! I have so many questsions: 1. I have left over medicated starter feed. Can I give them this? and...
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    Lil Peep is missing

    I have a young laying hen that I am assuming is broody and missing. I have seen her for about 20 min 2 days in a row, comes and eats, and then she goes under thick brush into the back forest somewhere. I have tried following her to see where she is. But it is thick and full of blackberries. I...
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    So I am gonna start with why I am questioning worms. I have been treating several of my chickens for bumble foot (making progress :) ) But I recently also had one of my birds with sour crop (also making progress). A few of my birds appear to have had some weightloss but are still acting normal...
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    Help! My chicken is Injured

    I found my chicken in the coop by some boards that were in the run. I’m not sure if she fell off of them or if she was just near them. At first I thought it was her wing but it’s definitely her foot. She’s not putting any pressure on it. And her mouth is open and she’s panting . I’m gonna put...
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    Water Belly?

    I have a hen that has been somewhat broody, but other than that acting completely normal. I was thinking my chickens might have mites or lice and did a night time check tonight. I think she has an infection of some sort or acites?! She has swelling to her belly, her feathers are all missing...
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    Integration of chicks and sharing feed

    I have nine week old chicks that have been integrating with the adults. I bought feed that was supposed to be good for both of them, but ever since I’ve gotten the new feed I feel like our adults have not been as well as they have prior. What types of feed do people recommend for both adults and...
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    Help me diagnose de-pluming mites!

    When I first moved in and aquired my babies, one of our chickens always looked ratty, feathers looked ragged, and had a small pale comb. Since then her comb is red and big, but her feathers are still ratty, I figured after 6 months they would get better. She never acted sick. Now Im noticing...
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    My chicks were killed

    I had 6 babies that I integrated to the adult flock of 10, 2 weeks ago at age 6 weeks. They are 8.5 weeks old. They have had their own coop with run that is blocked off, and I have let them all be together with supervision. Today I left them all alone together. After about 4 hours I went and...
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    New-ish Chicken Owner

    Hello! My name is Tara. I bought a house in September and the previous owners left the ladies. So I inherited them and I love them all. I originally started with 16 but 6 of them have died from predators (due to not being able to clip their wings) I am fixing that problem by building my own coop...
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