My chicks were killed


Apr 7, 2022
I had 6 babies that I integrated to the adult flock of 10, 2 weeks ago at age 6 weeks. They are 8.5 weeks old. They have had their own coop with run that is blocked off, and I have let them all be together with supervision. Today I left them all alone together. After about 4 hours I went and checked on them and 2 of my babies were killed.
One had its head ripped off, body open and some of the entrails eaten, also her wings were only bone. Feathers everywhere. The other one had a few abrasions to her head, but no other signs of attack.
What do you think killed them, the other adult chickens? There has been some small bullying by the adults, but nothing to this extent. A predator? There's no signs of entry from a land animal. It was in broad daylight and I've never had issues before with attacks like this inside the run. I'm a new baby chick owner and devastated. the other 4 babies seem pretty traumatized too. I'm so sad :(
I'm sorry. :hugs If you've been integrating them for a while I doubt it was any of the other chicks. They seem to young to do that sort of thing anyways.

Is your run covered? I'd suspect a hawk.
The one with the head abrasions cud have been one or more of the older hens. I had one peck a chick a bit too hard once and she died instantly. The other, I don't think the hens would eat the insides of it but man, maybe?
Sorry that happened.

Can you post clear pictures of the entire coop...inside and out?

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