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  1. R

    Green seeds or parasite?

    So today I noticed what appeared to be tiny green seeds in my chickens poop. A lot of them. I donned gloves and checked throughout the poop. The “seeds” can be squished and an audible pop is heard and white paste comes out. But could this be parasite larvae?? They have access to grass and dirt...
  2. R

    My chickens can't walk

    I think mine is definitely Mareks at this point. She flops around like she’s drunk and now her left wing juts down and her left leg splays out in front. Seeing her this morning- I’ve decided to take her to be euthanized and necropsied. She’s suffering and I can’t keep her around just for me...
  3. R

    My chickens can't walk

    Hi, what ever happened with your chicken? Mine is experiencing the same thing and I think it’s MS. She eats and drinks but gapes a bit and has a weird yell/cough? She can hardly walk and I just don’t know what to do.
  4. R

    What in God's name is this???

    Yesterday morning, this was waiting for me on my porch steps. It smelled horrific, and had this flat long segment in it. My first thought it tapeworm, but i've not known a chicken to poop out an entire worm??? I've never seen any evidence prior to this- no smaller segments or anything. They...
  5. R

    silkie chick biting and hissing

    Help! my silkie chick (naked neck) is a biter! She also hisses at me when I try to pet her. Are these roo traits I'm seeing? I got her and her (hopefully) sister 3 weeks ago, and am trying to tame them. They were estimated to be about 8-10 weeks when I got them. But the naked neck is pretty...
  6. R

    newbie to the group, and semi newbie to chicks

    Heres the green poop, and the bottom pic is her sleeping with her head tucked. She eats quite a bit, it's the liquid i'm trying to push... She seems a little bit better this am!
  7. R

    newbie to the group, and semi newbie to chicks

    Hey all! So, in 2020 (like half the country, I got chickens. 8 week old pullets. They've been awesome! Lately I've been wanting to expand my flock, and decided I wanted babies. I went to a poultry expo and got (2) 8 week silkies, and (2) 1 week old Ameracaunas. (none of these have been vaxxed)...
  8. R

    Sick Week Old Chick; GREEN Poop

    Omg, I'm in the exact same boat! My chick is 3-4 weeks old and yesterday I noticed she was sleeping non stop. I'm giving her nutridrench water, (they were on Corid for 2 weeks prior) she eats plenty of food, but her poop is bright green. She's super lethargic and just stands and sleeps, and puts...
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