What in God's name is this???


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2022
Yesterday morning, this was waiting for me on my porch steps. It smelled horrific, and had this flat long segment in it. My first thought it tapeworm, but i've not known a chicken to poop out an entire worm??? I've never seen any evidence prior to this- no smaller segments or anything. They freerange during the day. Help please!
IMG_6550 copy.jpg
All intestinal worms possess segments, easily noted. That appears to be soft tissue, probably from sloughing off the interior of the oviduct, but it could be from the intestines, but that tissue is usually red orange in color.

If I were you, to be safe, I would bag and refrigerate that stool sample and tomorrow find a vet to run a fecal float test on it for parasites. Worms and protozoa can irritate intestinal lining and cause infection, not to mention depleting nutrients.

If you elect not to get a fecal test or the sample has been disposed of already, keep a watch for any more poop like that. Post more photos if it does occur again, and we will judge things from there.

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