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  1. Suzzers

    Are Golden Laced Wyandotte roosters known to be super bossy and mean?

    He is human aggressive, and can be aggressive to his hens. I never coddled him but a friend did, and now he sees her as one of his hens.
  2. Suzzers

    Chicken breathing strange-need help ASAP

    She might be choking, but I don't know.
  3. Suzzers

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    It's early for me right now so no eggs yet but yesterday I got five from my six hens! Woohoo!
  4. Suzzers

    What's the friendliest chicken breed?

    Thank you, this definitely helps!
  5. Suzzers

    Arizona Chickens

    I raised chickens in AZ though I don't live there anymore (I'm from Vail, which was about 45 minutes from Tuscon) definitely have good water, watch out for predators, and have a sturdy coop that can withstand a larger animal. I even had to make my girls a run made of chain link just because the...
  6. Suzzers

    Are Golden Laced Wyandotte roosters known to be super bossy and mean?

    I recently posted a thread asking what to do about my golden laced wyandotte rooster who's a real pain. I'm wondering if the golden laced wyandotte roosters are generally super mean, or if it was just his genetics that I got stuck with an absolute nutcase that attacks everyone he sees. Any help...
  7. Suzzers

    What's the friendliest chicken breed?

    I'm just wondering what some really friendly breeds are to add to my flock next Spring. I've heard of orpingtons, barred rocks, etc, but are there any others that might be good to consider?
  8. Suzzers

    Aggressive rooster problem

    Last time it took my girls three months to accept the new flock, but I'm going to try it. Next Spring I'm going to try to get another rooster and put the one I have currently in a fryer. Thank you all!
  9. Suzzers

    Rooster with an Attitude

    I have the exact same problem. Sometimes hormones just set them off like that. But definitely make sure to look behind you and always know where he is, roosters love sneak attacks when they think you aren't watching. If he becomes a danger to everyone in the yard/he gets worse, the best option...
  10. Suzzers

    Mystery Pullet

    No way that is a silver gray dorking. Or any dorking in general. My profile picture is a silver gray dorking, for reference. But I don't know, maybe a barred rock mixed with something else?
  11. Suzzers

    Rooster Collars!

    I think it's cruel to put no crow collars on them personally. They can suffocate, and they were born to crow. If you don't want the crowing just re-home or cull the rooster. Also when I tried one it didn't work.
  12. Suzzers

    Rescued 6 Hens from ritual slaughter

    That's terrible! Maybe try putting found posters up around? They were obviously cared for so somebody will come for them most likely. Or take them to a close non-kill animal shelter, there's a chance somebody might go there looking for them.
  13. Suzzers

    Epsom salt bath ruined chances of egg bound hen recovering

    Maybe try going to a emergency vet? I've never heard of epsom salt baths not working on eggbound hens, since it's meant to relax the muscles. I'm sorry I don't know what to say.
  14. Suzzers

    The story of my hen that ate a pipe cleaner (She was okay!)

    I had this silver dorking hen named Suzzie. She was a odd hen, but a friendly one. She even tried to mimic words! However she wasn't the smartest. I found this out after she mistook a pipe cleaner for a worm and I found it in her droppings! However she was completely fine! After that I...
  15. Suzzers

    RIP Libby

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I have lost two chickens to a dog recently that I had for five years, I know it hurts because chickens just become a part of your family. :(
  16. Suzzers

    Mosquito Larvae in Water

    Just get the water nipples! You can drill some holes into a big bucket and put some nipples on it, then make/buy a stand for it that's about the height of your chickens! I've had one for over five years and never had a problem with it.
  17. Suzzers

    Pellet vs Free Range/Foraging

    Free ranging is definitely not bad for them, that sunlight is good for the hen's egg production, and all the good nutrients they find in bugs or whatnot are very good for them and their eggs. I personally have a diet of half good organic pellets and half free range, but that's just what keep my...
  18. Suzzers

    Skittish chicks that were raised by hen

    They will probably grow out of it. Try to feed them, pet them, treat them like pets. The more they get used to you the less skittish they will become! Just make sure they know you. Since they're young they will more likely imprint on you then if they were adults!
  19. Suzzers

    Hen missing a toenail

    This is a bit late but I don't think it's a big problem. I had a hen that chipped her toenail off when she was a chick and it never grew back but she's completely fine and never had any issues. As long as it doesn't bother her she will probably be fine!
  20. Suzzers

    Aggressive Hens Toward Rooster

    Your rooster is probably too nice to do anything about it. Maybe try slowly merging them together, getting them used to each other. But there probably won't be any real change unless your rooster establishes himself as the protector, or the hens will probably always hen peck him.
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