What's the friendliest chicken breed?

I'm just wondering what some really friendly breeds are to add to my flock next Spring. I've heard of orpingtons, barred rocks, etc, but are there any others that might be good to consider?
Salmon Faverolles and Australorps are very friendly.
Naked neck turkens have great temperaments in my experience. No breed is consistently docile. I've had five salmon faverolles, three of which were friendly. My Speckled Sussex are very sociable girls but I only have the two for comparison.
My Light and Coronation Sussex are very friendly, not that cuddly (but they were raised by a broody and not handled that much as chicks) but very happy to take food from ones hands and easy to handle.
Also so far the cockerels and roos have been very well behaved.
I really enjoy my Bielefelder (Nettie), she's very sweet and follows me around like a dog. My Australorp, Dorking, and Easter Egger are also chill and easy to handle, they aren't as interested in me as Nettie though (unless I have treats lol). I had a Cream Legbar (Fancy), who has since passed away, and she was the sweetest; liked to cuddle in my lap like a cat!
Not really a breed, but my sapphire gems are so cuddly. I have never had chickens quite as friendly as these. Two my three are highly intelligent but the third is sweet but dumb as a post.

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