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  1. L

    Can chickens have sugar?

    The mold. Sugar has proven to be beneficial to chickens.
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    Fist baby hatched

    My bottom hen hatched a baby this last June and I kept them separate about a week. But she turned into get away from my baby mama! Don’t worry. After a few days the curiosity will subside and any other curiosity will be chased out of them by mama no matter her status. Just let her continue to...
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    Gape worm??

    That’s coccidiosis. The puffed up cheeks around the eyes and the draining of the eyes, sneezing and coughing. Coccidiosis.
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    Delaware vs Columbian Wyandotte

    She look like a Delaware to me. Her legs are nice and yellow. I have a Delaware pullet, two Columbiaan Wyandotte hens and a silver laced Wyandotte (among other breeds). They are beautiful wise and sweet birds.
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    Introduction-New Member

    I’m new and discovered Backyard Chickens when trying to figure out why my 17 week old pullets won’t use the dust bath. They don’t dust bathe at all, for that matter. I grew up on a farm and ranch in patches. I am now 53 and haven’t had livestock since I was 29 yr old. When I was young, chickens...
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    Chickens Won’t Use Dustbath

    I made mine a medium sand with peat moss. About half and half and a quarter dirt from the run and they don’t go in it either. Did you solve your issue?
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    baby chick has weird lump under vent

    I think that’s the belly button and umbilical cord. Don’t pull the cord or it can kill the chick. Mine had a bump too but they go away. Just keep the butt clean. Also a little bit of mothers vinegar in the water can help. Also grit is helpful. At 3 weeks you won’t recognize the babies. They grow...
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