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  1. C

    First predator attack - sad and not sure what to do next?

    👋 Hey all. I always like to check on my flock in their coop at night, and last night was no different. However, I noticed that one of my Golden-laced Wyandottes was missing. This has never happened before. I found lots of feathers about 15-20 feet from the coop, but that's it. We live in a rural...
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    SOS - Tiny Gray Bugs?? Broody Hens + Eggs

    Hi all, I'm hoping you can help. For context, I have 5 hens total. Two broody hens that are each sitting on a clutch of 6 eggs. Hatch day is in a couple of days. Recently I have noticed these tiny (I mean really tiny, barely visible) little bugs. I think they are gray, but not sure? Anyway...
  3. C

    Food and water placement for chicks

    I have two Golden laced Wyandotte’s that are broody and have been sitting on fertile eggs (not their own) for about 16 days now. I candled the eggs today and they seem to be developing as far as I can tell. I have my nesting boxes at ground level in the coop. The coop is shared with 3 other...
  4. C

    Should I cull? I don't want to, but what can I do? Feeling sad.

    I've made previous posts about my poor hen and you all have been so helpful. I am feeling so torn as to what to do and I need some advice. Please be kind as I am really trying my best and really struggling with this. My Delaware hen is about 8 months old now. She only has one good leg. The...
  5. C

    A place for my disabled chicken? Companion?

    Hello! I have a 4-5-month-old Delaware hen who has one usable leg. Up until this point, she has been kept with my other chickens who are the same age, although they have been leaving her behind so she spends a lot of time by herself. As the temperatures get colder, I have become more concerned...
  6. C

    Update - I didn't put my chicken down!

    Tagging those who replied to my previous post in case you wonder about other people's chickens like I do. 😊 Here is a link to my previous post. tl;dr, my one chicken has a messed up leg that started out crooked (due to some kind of injury) and is now going completely backwards due to incorrect...
  7. C

    URGENT - Should I put my chicken down?

    Hi all, I'm a newbie chicken owner. I have 6 chickens that are now 7 weeks old. A few weeks ago I made a post about one of my chickens that was limping. Long story short, I ended up taking her to our local vet. They do not specialize in chickens, but we live in a rural area so they have...
  8. C

    (pic, video) 4 week old chick with limping, swelling

    Hi all, I'm new here and sorry to introduce myself in this way, but I need your help. I have six baby chicks that are 4 weeks old. They are various breeds, and overall are doing great! My Delaware chick is one of the largest ones, and 1-2 weeks ago she developed a limp on her right leg. I...
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