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  1. C

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    Today she is running! Still wobbly but not falling over! Thank you all for your support, articles, and advice on the vitamins
  2. C

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    It won't let me post a video, we have her separated off from the others so she doesn't get bullied/trampled. She's moving around more freely, still wobbly, but she's at least scratching for food and showing signs of perking up.
  3. C

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    Thank you! I will contact a few vets to see if anyone can test/see her. She's doing a little better today with moving. I am hoping that means a vitamin deficiency as we gave her those yesterday. The shank of her legs look fine, and her feet do too, it's mostly the joint that looks swollen...
  4. C

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    As of last night, she's still having trouble. We gave her b vitamins and an electrolyte mix (I did make sure it didn't already have vitamin b in it). She is eating and drinking. Her legs aren't paralyzed and neither are her wings, no head tremors. However her legs are weak and her hocks look...
  5. C

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    I called TSC, they get their chicks from Townline Hatchery. I have an inquiry out to Townline to see if they're vaccinated. I'm going to say probably not though. Nothing toxic or moldy unless she found something while free ranging. I will try vitamins.
  6. C

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    If it is Mareks, is there any way to keep the others from catching it? I'll quarantine her, but how do I disinfect the coop? Am I able to vaccinate them, not knowing if they've already been vaccinated?
  7. C

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    She came from Tractor Supply, do they vaccinate? She is fed Kalmbach chick feed and is free range.
  8. C

    Suddenly Lame - 12wk old pullet

    What would cause a 12wk old pullet to suddenly go lame? She was fine yesterday but today she doesn't want to use her legs and when she does it's almost like she's drunk. We have 25 and she's the only one doing this. I tried good ole Google and it said egg bound, but this young? She's not laying...
  9. C

    Please Help! Baby found out in the cold

    Update! She is doing much better, her strength is back and she's coming out from under mom. I put the playpen up around them this morning, we'll keep it up a few days to give her time to recoup.
  10. C

    Please Help! Baby found out in the cold

    I have a playpen I'm going to put around the nesting box, none of the other hens use it (if you have advice on how to get them to, i'd appreciate it 😂). It'll give her room to walk around with the babies but not get too far yet.
  11. C

    Please Help! Baby found out in the cold

    Thank you both! I sat in front of the pellet stove with her she started moving more and chirping. I did tuck her back under mom and will check on them in a little bit. She was chirping constantly once back.
  12. C

    Please Help! Baby found out in the cold

    This little one just hatched last night, when I got home from work today I found her out in the yard without momma. I'm thinking momma took them for a stroll and she got left behind. She is weak and cold, not standing and movements are very slow. Do I put her back with mom? Or keep her inside...
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