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  1. coltssuperbowl83

    I have new cross chicks....

    I have a mixed flock. Wondering what crosses these new chicks could be.. My eggs all look about the same a medium brownish color from my hens... silver laced wyandottes brown leghorn welsummer rhode islsnd red Buff orpington cuckoo maran dominques The posible roosters are... black austrolorps...
  2. coltssuperbowl83

    something took a bite out of my duck?

    He was in the pond. Maybe a snapping turtle. Can see the muscles and organs but none of f them are punctured. Skin is just missing. ?. Any ideas?
  3. coltssuperbowl83

    Have you ever had a rooster that didn't 'like' the ladies?

    I have a roo that doesn't care about the hens at all. He likes food. Not the girls so much though. Normal?
  4. coltssuperbowl83

    What do use to gather eggs?

    I've used aprons, baskets, bowls... always end up with a cracked egg though. What do you use?
  5. coltssuperbowl83

    does anyone have any austrawhite chickens?

    I got some this spring from a tractor supply place. They are apparently crosses between black australorp roosters and white leghorn hens. Do you like yours? What are their personalities like? Any pics? heres my Dixie
  6. coltssuperbowl83

    are these peacocks?

    I have an india blue peacock and two india blue peahens...right? its the only picture I have until tomorrow...
  7. coltssuperbowl83

    I think my peahen killed herself. ..

    So, when a peacock starts the breeding process is it normal for him to get aggressive with the females? Or maybe it just looks aggressive? I went out to the barn last week and my peahens were frantically trying to get away from my peacock who was chasing them. They were all breathing hard...
  8. coltssuperbowl83

    I think my peahen killed herself. ..

    So, when a peacock starts the breeding process is it normal for him to get aggressive with the females? Or maybe it just looks aggressive? I went out to the barn last week and my peahens were frantically trying to get away from my peacock who was chasing them. They were all breathing hard...
  9. coltssuperbowl83

    little red dots in eggs?

    Is that normal? There were to little red seed looking things in the egg white. Was it just a fertilized egg?
  10. coltssuperbowl83

    I don't know polish crested chickens...

    Is it a hen or roo? I keep getting alternating answers. It is about five months old. Is always picked on. Tail feathers have been chronically picked off by the others. The feathers have never been allowed to grow in. Haven't heard it crow, try to mount a hen or lay an egg. No clue. I call it...
  11. coltssuperbowl83

    All my eggs are double yolk?

    They are all from different breeds of chickens. ?.... RIR , EE, BO, bantam..... so what environmental factors would do that?
  12. coltssuperbowl83

    Chicken 'photobomb' pictures!

    If your chickens are anything like mine, fifty percent of your pictures are 'photobombed'... whether you want them to be or not! -----GIT outta the picture Henrietta!!! Show off your photobombed pictures! ---Darn it Martha!!!
  13. coltssuperbowl83

    Seriously though, she's really pretty

    ?..right? My EE, Iris. She has really cool markings, doesn't she? She's like banded with color...
  14. coltssuperbowl83

    Chicken names

    I name my chickens. I know 'they' say not to. I do it anyway for many different reasons. First, I think of my chickens as pets, who wouldn't name their dogs? Second, it helps me to keep track of my flock. Third, it helps me tell them apart so I can better assess personality and health. Having...
  15. coltssuperbowl83

    straight runs suck.

    Out of 11 bantams, nine were roosters.
  16. coltssuperbowl83

    I think I already know the answer....

    is penguin a boy too? three months old
  17. coltssuperbowl83

    Gretchen is a girl.... right ?

    This is gretchen the EE. Shes three months maybe about four months.... but her comb is bigger than the others her
  18. coltssuperbowl83

    three month old EE bantam.....pullet?

    Named Tuffy, the only survivor of a fox raid....
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