I have new cross chicks....


9 Years
Dec 17, 2010
I have a mixed flock. Wondering what crosses these new chicks could be..

My eggs all look about the same a medium brownish color from my hens...
silver laced wyandottes
brown leghorn
rhode islsnd red
Buff orpington
cuckoo maran

The posible roosters are...
black austrolorps
rhode island red

Also, I have possible bantam roo daddies...
specled sussex
Easter egger

I realize that is a lot of possibilities. These are the three chicks I am wondering about...



My other new fluffy butts look like my black austrolorp rooster.
Number one has what looks like a pea comb, the other two are single combs.
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Number one looks like a brown leghorn or welsummer mix to me... but it has a pea comb or at least not a single comb... so the daddy could be my dominque bantam...or my EE bantam.... how can I tell?
I'm going to say if #1 has what looks like a pea comb she/he has to have some breed with a pea comb in their ancestry. Possibly an Easter Egger with a pea comb..... #3 might be Easter Egger, but not sure. Regardless of breed, all the chicks are cute and I'm interested to see what they look like when they're older.
Your Aussie and Dominique roosters are both going to throw basically black chicks. If the Dom is pure bred, all his chicks will be barred.

The Sussex, under the pretty speckling, is a mahogany bird. He should also have white skin, which is dominant. So his babies would have white/pink skin.

What color is your EE? A pic of him would be helpful.

Pea and rose combs are dominant over straight. Beards/muffs are partially dominant.

First chick, you'll probably have to wait until it feathers out. That's such a common pattern in chicks, it's very generic and hard to narrow down at this point.

Second bird, can't really see well enough to say. Since you've got a buff hen, that may be the momma....buff is very complex genetically and holds it's own against other colors well. White skin would confirm that.

Last bird puts me in mind of a Wyandotte.....but you say it has a straight comb? I guess your slw hen could carry recessive straight comb genetics. Almost looks like a little beard? I was thinking ee x slw, but it's kind of a crap shoot at this point. Posting again when they're feathered out, around 6 weeks, would give us more to work with.
THEE ee and speckled sussex and dominque roos are all bantam... does that help?
Not really. Their offspring may be smaller at maturity, but since the hens are large fowl, the chicks will be basically large at hatch.

I've seen bantam EE, but not bantam Dominique or Speckled Sussex. Do you have pictures?

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