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  1. newbiechickenfan

    26 weeks?!?!

    My partridge plymouth rocks are 26 weeks, have bright red combs, make a lot of noise, and I saw 1 squatting the other day. Still no eggs.
  2. newbiechickenfan

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    Just wanted to say "yay Rosie". I've been reading your story and what a saga. So glad for the happy ending too.
  3. newbiechickenfan

    Sleepy chick and possible male? Please help a newbie.

    I'm new to this too. But here's what I experienced with my little ones which are now 22 weeks old. At around 6-8 weeks one of the girls (?) started getting a comb that was bigger then the others (that little thing on the top of their head). It also started developing different looking feathers...
  4. newbiechickenfan

    Hen song

    My pullets will are 20 weeks old and haven't started laying yet. But today, one was singing away. Can this mean that they are getting ready to lay or is she just pretending to be a rooster?
  5. newbiechickenfan

    A big day in the Burns household...

    How old are they? Mine are 19weeks and I can't wait. Congratulations too!
  6. newbiechickenfan

    Beginning Free Ranging

    Yes to the treat idea. Mine are 14 weeks and they come running when they see me coming with their favorite treats. They happen to love squash and watermelon right now.
  7. newbiechickenfan

    When will my rooster begin to crow?

    I just saw this post. My Petey boy started a funny croak/crow when he was 8 weeks old. Now at 13 weeks he can almost cock a doodle do, but he still sounds hoarse. Very cute and sweet right now.
  8. newbiechickenfan

    Cutest.Rooster. Ever.

    He sounds great and I hope my little Petey turns out just like him.
  9. newbiechickenfan

    My hen/rooster and his ladies

    Hi there in Idaho. My Petey is a Partridge Plymouth Rock.
  10. newbiechickenfan

    My hen/rooster and his ladies

    Well here is Petey at 8 weeks with his favorite girl. Not a hen at all. I didn't want a rooster and now I'm totally in love.
  11. newbiechickenfan

    Mister okay for 6 1/2 chicks-it's hot hot hot here

    Yes it is really hot. And I think they will love the misters. Good luck to you.
  12. newbiechickenfan

    Mister okay for 6 1/2 chicks-it's hot hot hot here

    I did forget the weeks part in their age. Oops.
  13. newbiechickenfan

    Mister okay for 6 1/2 chicks-it's hot hot hot here

    Thanks. They have shade and plenty of water. I live in the Valley outside of Los Angeles and it's not humid not now, it's actually pretty dry. They have dirt to bathe in too. But thanks for all the tips and I'll look into getting a fan for them. I hadn't thought of that.
  14. newbiechickenfan

    Mister okay for 6 1/2 chicks-it's hot hot hot here

    It's over 100 degrees. Is it okay to put a mister on the little ones for a bit during this heat wave?
  15. newbiechickenfan

    Trying to figure out if I have a boy

    Thanks for the uploading tips and confirming that I indeed have a boy. Welcome Petey!
  16. newbiechickenfan

    Trying to figure out if I have a boy

    This is a shot of 2 of them together. The one on the left looks like the others. The one on the right is the one I think may be male. It's got much darker feathers too.
  17. newbiechickenfan

    Trying to figure out if I have a boy

    Here is another image. Sorry, I'm new to the forum and am just learning how to post images. These are partridge plymouth rocks and they are 6 1/2 weeks old. This is the only one with a pronounced comb.
  18. newbiechickenfan

    Trying to figure out if I have a boy

  19. newbiechickenfan


  20. newbiechickenfan


    Does anyone have any natural remedy for getting rid of flies. Aside from cleaning the poop regularly, what other means do I have short of something toxic?
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