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  1. cajunmudbugs

    Calico Cochin roo bred to mottled hen…outcome?

    I bought what we’re supposed to be calico Cochin chicks. Turns out I have 4 calico Cochin roosters (3 pictured) and 2 mottled hens. If I breed them will I get more calico chicks? More mottled chicks? Some weird color?
  2. cajunmudbugs

    Ivermectin Pour On and Incubating the Eggs

    I have read on several posts that you shouldn't eat the eggs for a couple of weeks after using ivermectin pour on, but my question is: can you still incubate the eggs?
  3. cajunmudbugs

    Molasses and Chickens

    Someone told me that if a hen eats molasses in feed, like sweet feed, they will quit laying. Is that true at all? He said the same thing about fruit, if you feed it to them they will quit laying. I have never heard such a thing.
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