Ivermectin Pour On and Incubating the Eggs


12 Years
May 27, 2011
I have read on several posts that you shouldn't eat the eggs for a couple of weeks after using ivermectin pour on, but my question is: can you still incubate the eggs?
I've been advised not to incubate the eggs laid during the withdrawal period.
I found a case online where someone hatched the eggs laid by his hens after deworming them. It caused deformities in the chicks. They get born with missing toes and limbs etc. And some chicks died after hatching. I'm not sure which dewormer got used in this case. But I'd suggest taking the "prevention is better than cure" route and discard or eat the eggs laid during the withdrawal period. Or you can scramble it and feed it back to the chickens.
i've never understood the, scramble the eggs ( that are no good for me to eat, and full of chemicals) and feed it back to your hens....... the whole idea of a withdrawel is to get the chemicals out of their system.....

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